Run pt. 2

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*Justin's POV*
It was 8 in the morning and I was fast asleep. Suddenly, I felt big hands shaking me.
"Mr. Bieber!" Marion whispered. "Wake up!"
My heart nearly exploded.
"The cops found you two. They're right outside the house!"
"Hurry! You and Mr. Malik must hide somewhere else."
I put on my slippers, got my suitcases. Zayn rushed out of his room, dressed.
Frank and Ian came into the scene.
"How the fuck did this happen?" I asked. "Why are they here. We didn't step out of the house at all."
"Because I called them," Ian said.
We froze. Everyone stared at him in shock.
"What?" we all said.
"Why?!" Marion asked.
"Because we didn't bring you two rats here so this one here..." He pointed to Zayn "....could try to get with my nephew."
"WHAAAAAT?!?!?!" Zayn and Frank shouted at the same time.
"Wait what?!" I said.
"I saw you two talking yesterday," Ian explained. "You two seemed too close."
"What the FUCK?!!!" Zayn exclaimed.
"Uncle!" Frank yelled. "Nothing is going on between us! We were just talking as friends."
"I'm not even into guys!" Zayn informed.
"Dude!" I said. "You called the cops just because of this?"
"Ian," Marion said. "You are disgusting."
"I don't like my nephew's lifestyle," Ian said. "I'm sorry."
"Ian!" Marion said in a stern voice. "We have went about this ever since he was 14 and came out. We got it. You don't like that Frank is gay. But please don't let this be that big of a deal THAT YOU HAVE COST OTHER PEOPLE'S LIVES!!!"
The doorbell rang. Oh, God.
"I'll talk to them," Marion said. "Frank, take the boys to the car in the garage. You two will need to get out of here fast. Go."
*Icy's POV*
I was watching porn while doing my nails and then the phone rang.
"Iciana!" It was an investigator named Sharold Retew.
"We have finally found the killer."
I jumped out of my seat. "Really?"
"Yes," he said. "It's been confirmed that it was a man named Jeff Beck."
"Oh, thank God. I'll call you back."
I hung up and dialled Travis's number.
"Travis! They found the real killer."
"Did they really?" he asked.
"Yes! Do you know they are?"
"Yeah, they're at my uncle's house."
"Call them," I ordered.
*Justin's POV*
"I can't believe that asshole," I muttered as Zayn and I threw our bags in the back.
"All this just because we were talking," Zayn said. "Fucking homophobic dick head."
"I don't want to go to jail again," I sighed. "The first time was suckish enough and that was only for a little bit."
"I wish I appreciated my last good meal," Zayn stated. "Prison food, from what I heard, is trash...... Can you promise me something?"
"Yes," he said. "When we go to jail, can we be in the same cell?"
I laughed. "Of course, buddy."
We hugged.
We were about to get into the car until Marion came in.
"Mr. Bieber! Mr. Malik! Come! There are great news!"
*Zayn's POV*
Everything was finally over. We drove home back home. But first, there was one person who I was dying to see.
On Hannah and Icy's house, there was a banner saying "Welcome Home" and so many friends and family were there.
*At Last by Etta James plays in the background*
I rushed out of the car to finally be with my beautiful pixie. Hannah ran to me, crying and filled with joy. As we collided, her hands gripped tightly onto me. All I needed....all I wanted was here with me.
Justin hugged and kissed Icy.
We said our hellos to everyone and had a party. I went upstairs with Hannah and she got the best dick anyone has ever gave her in her life.
*Paris' POV*
Logan gave Lizzy a peck on the lips while they were dancing. I cringed.
"How the could could she do this?" I asked Brittany. "Logan was my baby."
"So why did you cheat on him with Lizzy?" Brittany asked. "Not only that, but you treated Lizzy like shit the next day."
"Well, I'm not looking for a girlfriend," I explained. "I just wanted to see what it was like to get with a girl. It wasn't bad, but I prefer dudes."
"You still don't lead people on," Brittany argued. "That's mean."
I scoffed. "She'll live."
"Maybe you are a scum."
"What the absolute mother fucking fuck did you say to me?" I asked.
"You throw people under the bus, then get mad when they do it to you back. Look at them. They look so happy together. They look more healthy than when they're with you. I don't know about you, but when people who are finally able to be free from the people who hurt them and they find each other, they deserve it. So, you, ma'am, need to get over yourself and start being a good friend."
She walked away.
*Icy's POV *
I was drinking some alcohol with No Advance by 21 Savage playing when someone tapped on me.
I turned around and smiled. "Bear!" I hugged him.
"Hey, baby."
"I had no idea you would come."
"Yeah, well I decided anything for my friend," he said. "Where your side nigga at."
"He is not my side nigga," I laughed. "I feel like he's the one."
"How does it feel dating Justin Bieber? You know? Like... you're seriously dating the most famous person in the world."
"It feels amazing," I replied. "There's this tingling feeling that runs around my body. But you's not just because he's famous and hot. Him, as a person..... he's so sweet and cheeky. He's not exactly as people portray him."
Justin came in the scene. "Hey gorgeous."
Ghdhsbxjcxzjajdjxj he called me gorgeous. We gave each other a kiss. Tonight was incredible. My boyfriend came back. All of my friends were here. It was a true bliss.
*Zayn's POV*
I was jammin to the music after dicking down Hannah and guess who the blazing fuck I see. Gigi fucking Hadid. What could she want?
She saw me and smiled. The fuhhh??? What are you smiling at? The fact that you won against me after hitting me. Bye. I tried to act like I didn't see.
Shit. She was coming my way. Fuck fuck fick fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck. Okay, Zayn. Stay calm.
"Hey," she did.
Fuck you. "Hi," I replied.
She bit her lip. Holy balls. She's so hot when she does that. "I'm glad you're back."
Are you?
"I'm glad you and Justin don't have to go to jail."
OH?!?! But you spent months trying to get me to prison! What type of white nonsense?
She took a deep breath. "I'm sorry about everything. I never meant for our relationship to go downhill. I want you to know that I want everything to be cool with us. We can be friends. Right?"
I was confused. You hurt me, then try to get on my good side? Why?
But at the same time, I wanted us to be okay, too. It's hard to just throw away something you cared so long for.
I had to keep it real with her.
"Look," I said. "I'm sorry but you can't spend all this time trying to dehumanize me and throw me away, then now all of sudden come back like 'Hey, how you doing?' Like, whatcha doin?"
She looked ashamed.
I looked down to the ground. "But," I added. "I....I do want us to be cool, too. I just can't forgive what you did."
Gigi swallowed. "I know. I can't either."
I sighed. "I'll see you."
She nodded and barely managed to say, "Okay."
I walked away, knowing she probably had tears in her eyes. But I'm sure we'll start talking again. Just not right now.
*Lizzy's POV*
"I'm going to use the bathroom," Logan said as we were dancing in the middle of the room. "I'll be right back."
"Alright," I said. As he left, someone tapped my shoulder. I turned around. Oh lord...
"Hey, sexy," Paris said, smiling.
What did she want?
"You and Logan look pretty grand together," she continued. "You two should make a sex tape."
She sighed. "Look, I'm sorry for the way I treated the both of you. Obviously, I'm not good with relationships. Actually, no one is. Hence why even Brad and Angelina broke up, which I'm still pissed about. I was fucking rooting them. Anyways, I want us to continue being friends. I mean, yeah, it's weird because you and I fucked and you're dating my ex, but who fucking cares. You and I are like Kendall Jenner and Gigi Hadid. Except we don't dress like them. And we're poor. Ugh. Do you get my fucking point?"
She is my best friend. I guess we were even now that I'm with Logan. I don't have weird feelings for her anymore.
I smiled. "Yes. I love you bestie."
We hugged.
"I'm so sorry. I hope me dating Logan isn't too weird."
"No, it's cool. We're even now, at least. Love ya."
We hugged some more.
*Justin's POV*
*Thinking bout You by Ariana Grande plays in the background*
It was sunrise. Some of the people from last night were asleep on the floor or couch. Zayn, Icy, Hannah, and I were in the backyard, getting high and chatting.
"Travis said his uncle is sorry for trying to get us in trouble," I told Zayn.
"He should be. That was stupid."
"He said he's working on trying to accept Frank being gay."
"There should be nothing to work on," Hannah stated. "You shouldn't have to be so pissy about what someone likes."
"Exactly," Icy said.
"Well, anyways, I have great news," I said. "I'm working on this new album that's gonna come out in like, April. I want to give all you a chance to feature on it."
"That would be lit!" Icy said.
Hannah and Zayn applauded while Icy gave me a kiss on the lips.
"I love yall so much, yall know that, right?" Zayn stated.
"I love you, too, Puddin," Hannah said.
Zayn and I cuddled with our girls under our blankets and watched the sun get higher. The smell of Icy's box braids calmed my nerves. I was finally at peace. Everything thing that happened recently didn't cross my mind once, to be honest. The sun shining on the tress and roof tops was gold to me.
"By the way," Zayn said, breaking the silence. "I got a motorcycle."
"Cool," I said. "Me, too."
"When was this?" Icy laughed.
"A little while ago," Zayn replied.
"Let's give them a ride," Hannah cheered.
*Not on Drugs by Tove lo plays in the background*
The gang and I took a quick ride and it was amazing. Icy was riding with me and Zayn and Hannah were together. Icy wrapped her hands around my stomach and rested her head on my shoulder. Everyone was laughing and having a lit time. Icy and Hannah gave each other a high five.
I wouldn't trade these three people for anything.

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