Damage is Done

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*Justin's POV*
That night, Icy and I got in her bed and.... made love. To me, having sex with some girl you're not in love with and have no connection or attachment with is just fucking, but having sex with someone you love with a passion and never wanna let go is making love. There's nothing wrong with either of them, but I think making love is better.
*Samiyah's POV*
In the morning, I went to use the bathroom near the stairway that everyone uses. Again... it was locked. I knew Tanya was in there.
"Ugh! Tanya! Stop hogging up this bathroom!" I yelled as I jiggled the door.
"Go away!!"
Topaz came into the scene. "Ugh! She still taking up the bathroom?"
"Yes! It's annoying. She in there for hours."
I looked for a key. Ah-ha! Found ya! I twisted it around a little in the knob.
I opened the door and Topaz and I walked in.
"OH MY GOSH!!!!" We both cried.
"YOU'RE BLEACHING YOUR SKIN!!!" Topaz cried loud for the whole house to hear.
"GET OUT OF THE TUB!" I demanded angrily.
She put in head back into the bleach.
No wonder why she's been looking lighter lately.
I pulled the drain plug out and ran out of the bathroom.
"Samiyah!!!" Tanya grabbed her robe and chased me.
Topaz blocked her. "You are NOT going to bleach your skin.
Some of the other girls were watching what was going on.
"You're bleaching your skin?" Paris asked, shocked.
Then, the whole house, including Zayn and Justin watched.
Tanya sighed and put her head against the wall.
"Tanya!" Cindy said. "Why?! Why are you doing this to yourself?! You're beautiful the way you are!"
Tanya snapped. "Maybe it's because every fucking man I loved and been with has told me the exact same thing: Tanya, you're ugly.
Tanya, you're dark as fuck.
Move, bitch, no one fucking wants you.
Fuck you, bitch.
Your nose is too big.
You're the reason why people perfer lightskin girls.
Don't go around acting like a hoe, even though I'm the one fucking other bitches."
Tears streamed down her face. "'Tanya, you better not tell nobody that I whooped your ass.'"
Everyone was silent. My heart dropped. I... I never knew Tanya was.....
She sniffed. "But don't worry." She sat on the steps. "Soon, Imma be a pretty bitch just the way they want me to." She started sobbing. Everyone, I'm not even kidding, EVERYONE was crying.
"Why does every hate me?" Tanya whimpered.
Everyone circled around her and hugged her.
"It's okay," Gothie said. "We love you."
"We love you," SelFrida said. "You're beautiful. You don't need a man..... Maybe you should stay away from dating for a while."
SelFrida took Tanya to the doctor, while the remaining people in the house had a plan to get all of the people Tanya has dated and confront them.
We got seven exes who has abused her verbally and physically. Her recent ex is the one who caused this.
Stephanie kept hitting her hand with a closed fist. She was ready to fight. Everyone was. Everyone changed into t shirts, tank tops, leggings, Nike shorts, and had their hair tied up.
We had to sit them in the backyard. We had them feeling like it was the army. They were all extremely tall.
"A'ite," Gothie said, arm crossed."Do yall know why you are all here?"
"Oh? No words?" Cree said.
"Does the name Tanya Jackson ring a bell?" Cindy asked.
"Ohhhh," the men said.
"Yeah!" Icy said. "All of you have not only dated this woman, but yall also told this girl things that you should never say to a beautiful darkskin woman."
The looked shook.
"And, yall hit her," Kacey stated. "Why?"
"What about her made yall so damn angry?" Angelina asked. "Like, what the fuck pocessed yall to hurt her? Who hurt yall? Do yall need a hug?"
I don't know why but they were all silent as fuck. No one wanted to say nothing.
"Look at me," Lolita said. "I'm darkskin. Yall wanna tell me off?"
"Me, too!" Cree said. "Do I need to bleach my skin?"
"Yeah," Nicole said. "Would I look better lightskin?"
"Man, cut this shit out," Tanya's recent ex finally spoke. "It aint our fault!"
"It kinda is," Justin said.
"You drove her to this," Jade protested. "You're the one she recently broke up with because you hit her and kept being evil to her."
"We don't care what issues yall had with her as boyfriends, this is the kinda shit yall don't do to someone," Angelina said.
"Yall wanna hate on darkskin women so badly," Gothie said. "And don't give me that 'They're just jokes' shit. Those are jokes yall have using since 2013."
"Stop blaming black men for black women wanting white features," one of her exes argued.
Now fam....
"That's funny because aren't black men the ones slandering black women, especially dark women, like it's nothing?" Topaz asked.
They were silent.
"What if Tanya said this shit to yall," Brittany asked.
"Black people of all shades bashing darkskin women is full of irony and self hate," Cindy stated.
"Self hating darkskin black men are a deadass joke to me," Cree said.
They all looked ashamed.
"To the men who abused Tanya," Hannah said. "Do me a favor and stand up."
Four of them hesitantly stood up.
"You remaining three get back in the house," Hannah ordered. "Now, since yall wanna beat bitches, these bitches and two niggas will show you what's good. We don't give a fuck!"
Lolita blasts some fighting music. Knuck If You Buck came on. My blood boiled. I was ready to fight.
"What's good?" Tanya's exes shouted. "Let's go!"
Everyone jumped the four exes. Everyone was throwin them hands hella hard. The guy that Zayn, Justin, Gothie, Cree, and I were jumping tried to swing at me. Zayn pounded onto his face with a fist. Yaaaaas Zaddy, my boy got hands. Everyone was on top of each other.
The fight was lit as fuck. The song gave everyone energy.
The three remaining guys came and separated the fight with their headasses.
"Stop!" one said.
Once the fight was separated, one ex said, "This is stupid. We just jumped by one guy...." he pointed to Zayn "....and eighteen girls."
Justin rushed up to him, trying to beat his ass, but Zayn stopped him.
"I'll fuckin' beat your ass, bitch," he sassed.
"Fuck you," he said.
"Do you see what just happened?" Cindy asked. "You guys getting your asses kicked by 5 people each is how Tanya felt getting beaten by a guy 3 times her size."
They all thought about what she said.
"Get outta here!" Kacey ordered.
As they left the house, they kept cursing at us.
"Stay mad!" Paris sassed.
*Zayn's POV*
I haven't gotten into a fight like that in forever. It was.... lit. 🙂
I got back to bed and saw that my lawyer had called.
Oh lord. I don't want to deal such nonsense today.
"Mr. Malik, they want you in court right now! Where are you?"
I sighed. "I'll be right there."
So long story short, Gigi won.
Such bullshit. I the girls and I could jump her next lol. But I was kinda over it. I had forgotten all about Gigi and this trial. Probably because I have been through some amazing, fun times. I made new friends and a new girlfriend and had a wild blast with them.
The police found the person who put racist shit on my house and arrested them, so I get to go home. But.... I don't wanna go home...
I love it here. It's better than living by myself. My maid can have more breaks. Maybe I'll stay longer.
*Lizzy's POV*
Paris and her boyfriend, Logan were sitting outside, chatting. The guilt was eating me alive, even though I'm not the one cheating. I saw Paris getting up to go back inside.
I hid behind a bush where she couldn't see me. The bush smelled funny.
"Hey," a voice whispered.
I turned. "What the-"
Justin Bieber was just standing there.
"What are you doing!" I asked.
"Peeing. All the bathrooms are occupied."
As Paris went inside, I went up to Logan.
Woah! Logan looks way hotter now. Last time, I saw him, he looked ugly as hell no offense.
"H-hi," I said.
He looked up. "Oh, hey."
I sat down with him. Okay, Liz. Just say what happened.
"Ummmm." I was scared. "...........Two guys ago, I.... me and Paris made out at an after party. Then, she tells me she has feelings for me when we get home, and...." Oh god. His face was all concerned. I could tell he was about to blow up. "....we... had sex...." I looked down and was ready for him to yell at me. "But! But.... I didn't know she was back with you." I didn't want to look at his face because I knew he was hurt. I looked anyways and saw he wasn't as mad as I thought.
He took a deep breath. "It's fine," he replied.
W-what? I was scared shitless for 24 hours for a fucking "It's fine?"
"Yeah. She's cheated on me a lot, so whatever. Besides, I know this one girl who is way cuter and more sweet than Paris." His smile and sapphire eyes warmed my heart.
He leaned in."You."

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