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*Icy's POV*
Later, I learned that Justin didn't even go home. I saw him taking pictures at some celebrity's birthday party. He took pictures with Kendall and Kylie, Kehlani, The Weeknd, Tyler, etc. Well then....
Everyone was there.
I decided to go since he wants to be childish.
I put on my hoe shorts, a cute pink tank top, seven inch heels, and headed out. Zayn and Hannah were still sleeping... or at least I think they were... they could have been having a second round or just talking... I dont know.
Anyways, I got there.
It seemed dope. I said hello to many people. Everyone was turnt.
"Hey," a voice said.
I turned around.
I gasped. "Hiii," I chimed.
"Icy, isn't it?"
"H-how do you know my name?"
"I've seen you on Insta a lil bit," he explained.
AAAAAAAAAAAHH! He's seen my modeling!!!!! Hey, how come Zayn and Justin haven't seen it?!
"So what are you doing here in L.A.?" Abel asked.
"Oh me and my sisters are gonna become artists."
"Cool, I didn't think you can sing and rap."
"I can do a lot of things," I said, smirking and biting my lip.
He smiled and blushed.
I could tell he was checking out my body; his eyes looked at my feet, then scrolled up and up. I knew he liked what he saw. He can get this any day. He licked his lips a bit. I wanted him to pin me and kiss my neck. I pretended to act like I didn't see him just eye fucking me.
Then, Daddy Long Neck came in.
"Yeah, it's me," I snapped. "Thanks for ditching me."
"Sorry," Justin apologized. He looked at Abel and was surprised we were together talking. "What's good, Abel?"
"Hey, man. Is this your friend?"
"Well... most of the time since she likes to get angry with me so much," Justin laughed.
I rolled my eyes.
Abel giggled. "You two would make a nice couple."
Justin and I were surprised and weirded out by what he said. Then we blushed.
"Aye," a voice said. "What's good?"
We turned around.
I gasped. Justin and Abel both gave him that little handshake guys do. "What's good?" Justin said.
We noticed Hailey Baldwin standing right next to him.
"Oh, hi, Abel," she said.
"Hey, Hailey. Alright Imma go. Catch yall later."
As Abel left, Justin turned to Hailey and said, "so are yall, um...."
They didn't get what he was trying to ask.
I rolled my eyes and said, "Are yall fucking or nah?"
They looked at me, concerned and shocked. Justin looked at me like "Gee, thanks..."
"No," Hailey replied. "Nothing is happening between us."
"You sure?" Justin asked.
"Yeah," Drake said. "But why do you care?"
"You and Hailey never even dated," Drake continued. "Or am I wrong?"
"Duh, we dated," Justin said.
"Where have you been?" I asked.
"Well, y'alls stans say y'all never dated," Drake protested.
"Well, they need to not," I stated.
"Plus, what do you mean 'why do I care?'" Justin demanded. "Why did you say that like I am jealous or something?"
"Just curious," Drake assured, putting his hands up. He put his arm around him. "Look, man, chill. Nothing is happening between me and Hails."
That's not what TMZ said. But then again, nothing is going on between Khloe and Odell (apparently).
"Alright, well I'm going home," I told Justin. "I'll see you later."
"See ya."

When Two Bad Boys Collide: Zustin FriendshipWhere stories live. Discover now