Crazy Jasmine

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*Icy's POV*
It was morning and I went to see Mr. Joseph at Def Jam. The sun made me feel fired up inside. I felt like dying. As soon as I entered the building, and cool breeze hit me and I felt like I was being born.
"Hello, Iciana," a stern voice said.
I turned and saw Nani Poon's mom..... again.
"Oh, hello, Jasmine."
I could tell she about to throw some shade. She was still pissed. "So... I heard you are performing tonight."
"... instead of my daughter," she added.
Oh, god.
Why are old people so dramatic?
"So, are you gonna come watch?"
"No thanks," she sighed. "I'd rather be at my home."
"O...kay.... how's Nani?"
"She's doing better, but she's gonna need lots of time to recover before she can get on her feet and perform and conquer charts and people can forget about who you are again." She made a big smile and a thousand wrinkles formed on her faces.
I stared at her. Is...Is this woman psycho? Is she that angry I ran over her daughter?
"Are you still mad at me?" I asked.
She looked shocked. "Mad? No. No no no."
"Okay, well-"
My heart stopped. Her voice echoed. The whole room got quiet and looked at her.
I just stood there. What the fuck is going on?
The air became thin. What did she just.... Did she just.....
"So then she just threatened you?" Hannah asked me, as she and I picked out outfits to wear for the performance.
"Out of nowhere," I replied. "And almost everyone was looking at us. She sounded like Satan was fucking her in the ass."
"That lady worries me," Hannah said. "She always looks like she's up to something."
"That's why I'm scared," I explained. "What if she fucks up my performance? Should I cancel?"
"Bitch, no," Hannah said. "You worked too hard to get this performance. Why don't you just tell security too watch out for a woman named Jasmine Poon."
"First of all, Poon is not actually Nani's last name, dumbass," I sighed. "Second, she could find clever ways to sneak in."
"Just tell them," Hannah said. "Fuck, why do you have to make things complicated."

A moment later, Zayn walked out of Hannah's bedroom and into the living room, with no shirt on and seemed like he just woke up.
"Hey, baby," Hannah chimed.
"Hi, sweetheart," he mumbled.
He walked a bit funny, so I knew he and Hannah were in her room, fucking (again) like there's no tomorrow.
"Anyways," I said, trying to stop myself from being distracted by Zayn's sexiness. "I'm going to call Mr. Joseph and cancel everything." I grabbed the house phone.
Hannah did a dramatic dive towards my body and grabbed the phone, trying to pull it away from me. "NOOOOOO! You worked to hard for this."
"I can schedule it for another time."
"The show is an annual thing."
"Oh. Well, I don't have to do this, Han."
"Yes. You. DO!"
Zayn, who had his shirt back on, grabbed the phone and ordered, "Girls, stop it."
"Zayn, don't you think Icy shouldn't let some old saggy tittied bitch stop her from performing?" Hannah asked.
Zayn groaned and turned to me. "Listen, I don't know anything about Nani or Jasmine, but if a woman that crazy is gonna mess up your show, you better keep that lady away from the building or cancel it. This lady could have a gun."
I gave Hannah the "I told you bitch" look.
She rolled her eyes and sucked her cheeks. "Hoe...."
"Get security."
"Kay," I said.

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