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*Icy's POV*
No one found Justin Bieber's phone. Justin had to go to the hospital and is suing whoever took it. I hope they find it and all that, but what I wanna know is why he using the N word.....
It was bad enough that he was wearing dreads, now this? I should've known Justin was the type of person who uses that word every second of his life.
Black Twitter has been DRAGGING him like craaaaaaazy for saying it. His white stans keep caping for him. All of this is on the news, all over Youtube... everywhere in technology.
I'm mad at Justin. How many times we gotta go through this? DO. NOT. SAY. NIGGA. IF. YOU. NOT. BLACK.
Justin Bieber = cancelled.
I was excited to see him today, but now I don't even want to see him.
Hannah walked in the living room.
"Hey. You came home late last night."
"Sorry," I said. "I went shopping."
"What'd you get for breakfast?"
"Make an omelette."
"Oh, I meant to tell you! I met Zayn MALIK!!!!"
"WHAT?!?" I shouted.
"Yeah, yesterday. Thank Chelsea."
Chelsea barked.
"He asked me to sing for him," Hannah added.
"Yeah and he said I was good and smiled," she said.
"You were good and smiled? What is this, sex?"
"I wish."
"What if he has a crush on you?" I said.
"Shit, I'll be right there to sit on his face."
"We can make a threesome."
"Did you meet anyone?" she asked.
"Yeah," I replied. "Justin Bieber."
She spit her orange juice. "GET THE FUCK OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
"Yeah but I don't wanna talk about it..."
"The way he acted yesterday was just..." "He lost his phone," Hannah argued. "And someone stole it. What do you want?"
"No not that. He said nigga."
"Oh.... yeah."
"I thought he learned from when he used it when he was younger," I said.
"That's what I hate about him, Miley, Kylie, Kim, Khloe, and all these other white celebs. They think they can appropriate black culture," Hannah said. "I remember I was talking to a friend about this and some white gay guy jumped in tal'm about 'they can wear and do what they want they're getting paid'. That's my point stupid ass. They are getting paid to wear culture that aren't theirs."
"They need to stick their own culture," Hannah said.
"What culture?"
We busted out laughing.

When Two Bad Boys Collide: Zustin FriendshipWhere stories live. Discover now