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*Zayn's POV*
Justin drove to through beach houses, which looked so amazing. It was sunny; everything seemed chill and relaxing.
Finally, J pulled up to one beach house.
"Alright, here we are."
I could already smell the ocean and palm trees. These looked like the type of houses to often have house parties in. We grabbed our bags and went to knock on the door, hoping no one would spot Justin Bieber and Zayn Malik knocking on someone's door. I wondered what Marion and Frank would be like. Probably Hawaiian skirts and flower necklaces. They were taking forever to answer. Then I heard talking. Could they hurry? Someone could see us. I tapped my leg up and down.
At last, it opened and there came a 28-year-old black man who seemed nervous and bit his lip a bit, then got it together and said, "Hey, come on in." He rushed us in and said "Um, I'm Travis' cousin. Yall can stay as long as yall like. Just stay lowkey and don't get me and my father dragged in any mess." He was a darkskinned black man who seemed gentle, wise, and calm. His voice, even just by talking, sounded like heaven and angels singing. A man about 50 and chubby came into the scene. He held his arms out to hug. "Ah, Justin Bieber! Zayn! Welcome to the crib. Make yourselves comfortable. Want anything to eat?"
Despite how we haven't ate in 10 hours, we both said no. We had separate rooms and I plumped onto my bed, exhausted. Oh, what a day.... I wanted to call Hannah so badly, but we weren't allowed to make calls in order for safety. I guess, for a while, Justin is the only person to chat with. I stared at the bright pink walls. The color gives the room a nice aesthetic, I suppose. The bed was a sweet, giant flower; I could lay in it forever. It felt better than my bed at home. I hope everything blows over. I don't understand how the police can just decide to pin the blame on us; we're the ones who came to the employees right away and told them there was a dead man. Plus, aren't the people who work there supposed to be more secure? Oh, god....whatever, mate. I turned to my side went to sleep. 3 hours later, it was a bit darker outside. Damn, I was hungry. I struggled out of bed and walked to the kitchen, feeling like shit. I didn't want to be rude and disrespect others when living in a house that's not mine, so I wanted to be careful not to piss Marion or Frank off. The place was quiet. I'm guessing I'm the only one awake. Then, I saw Frank and my heart jumped a bit. He was writing down something while humming some tune I couldn't make out. But it didn't matter, because his humming sounded pretty. He was drinking a red smoothie along with strawberries on a plastic plate. I didn't want to disrupt him, but yo boi here is hungry. Oh, well. I'll find something to eat myself.
As I enterd the kitchen, Frank looked up and said, "Hey, man. You sleep good?"
"Uh, yeah. Thanks, mate."
He continued what he was doing and I looked into the fridge. As I finally found something, I tossed it into the microwave, put my hands onto my face and sighed. What a long day.
"Nice crew neck," Frank chimed. I turned to him and smiled.
"Thank you. It's part of my merch."
"Cool. You should get me a hoodie."
*Hannah's POV*
I laid in bed curled up in a ball. I miss him. I miss the love of my life. I wish I didn't spend my most recent moment with him by yelling at him. He neededto know what's up, but I wish we could have spent our last moments doing something like going to the movies or something. I want to call him so bad.
What am I doing? I can't God knows how long moping over a boy. I don't need a man to make me happy. Who can I hit up?
*SelFrida's POV*
Later, Cindy, Hannah, and I went to a club to party. The green, pink, blue, and purple light shined all over everyone.
We were having a good time, until Hannah got almost done with her bottle. She spent fifteen minutes talking about Zayn.
"I mean, I know I can't call him, but, like, I want him. I want to hear his voice. I just want him to connect with me somehow. You know what I mean?!"
She kept crying, falling over, and dancing like an injured T-Rex.
"Let's take her home," I said to Cindy.
"Uh-uhh!" Cindy sassed with a stank attitude. "My fun ain't stopping just for her. She aint special. Let her be a mess."
"She's literally falling everywhere and being a mess," I argued.
Cindy ignoreed me and went to go talk to some boys.
I rolled my eyes. Some friend. I picked Hannah up off the floor and went home.
Icy was watching tv. I rang the doorbell. She answered it and was shocked. "Oh my."
"Yeah...." I said.
"I miss my Zayn," Hannah mumbled.
"Let's get her to the bathroom," Icy ordered. "She looks like she's about to puke."

When Two Bad Boys Collide: Zustin FriendshipWhere stories live. Discover now