Last Day

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OH SHIT! PARIS WAS GONNA KILL ME! But he tasted sooooo gooooood. I was in love. Paris who? Hello, my new daddy.
I heard to door open, but I was too far into the clouds to take notice.
We separated and saw Paris red as hell, looking like Satan.
"Oh, shit," I said.
She stormed up to us. I knew I was dead meat. Logan stood in front of me to protect me. "Before you say anything, this is what you get. Not only do you cheat on me AGAIN, but you lie about your feelings to her, don't mention me at all, and treat her like shit the next day? What the hell?"
Paris didn't say anything. Justin Bieber was in the bushes, being nosy.
Logan grabbed my hand. "Come on, beautiful. Let's go out to eat."
I was shocked! What the hell just happened? I looked at Paris, who was also shocked.
I didn't know what was going on....  but I was liking it 🙂
*Gothie's POV*
Normally, when done with work, we ride my car, but it broke, so we had to get Zayn to pick us up. He was taking forever.
Then, we got a text, saying he's almost there and left the club.
"I'm tired," Jade groaned. "I wanna go see my girlfriend. I miss her so fucking much."
"Oh yeah," Lauren said. "When did you say the date for the wedding is?"
"Halloween," Jade said. "It's gonna be a very dark and my wedding dress will be sparkly black and Amy Lee will sing Bring Me To Life and after they say 'You may kiss the bride', she sings Haunted."
"Cool!" Nicole said.
"Goals," I agreed.
Suddenly, a couple of fuckboys came our way. "Fucking whores."
We ignored them and Jade continued talking about the wedding. "But we don't know yet where the honeymoon will be yet."
The guys kept calling us names like we needed this.
(A/N I don't want to show what he said because the way people demonize sex workers is triggering)
I wish Zayn would hurry. Finally, I saw he car roll up. But then one of the guys grabbed my arm and stroked my gorgeous ass weave with his crusty ass hands. "Come here, baby, what's your name?"
"Shalissa," I sarcastically answered, trying to get away.
Zayn zoomed out of the car and pushed the guy off of me. "Get off her!" He turned to us. "Get in the car. Get in the car!!"
The six of us hurried as fast as we could in his lamborgini and didn't even put on our seat belts first.
"You okay?" he asked me.
"Yes. Thanks."
"No probs."
"Don't worry, Zayn," Angelina said. "It happens sometimes."
"Well, anyways," Zayn said. "Hannah, Icy, and I are heading back home. We had a nice visit, but it's time."
"Aaaawww," we all huffed.
"Well," I said. "Tonight some of us are gonna have to sleep in Tanya's room. She said no thanks, but it's best for her health. Plus those guys might try to run up on us in our sleep. We gotta stay together and make sure our girl is alright. No one should go what she's going through."
"Good idea," Zayn said.
"Wait," Angelina said to me. "Are you..."
"Why not?" Zayn asked. "I wanna participate in making sure Tanya is okay and let her know I got her back."
"True," Nicole said. "Zayn havin a dang-a-lang shouldn't change anything."
"Exactly," I said. "And Zayn?"
"Yes, Gothie?"
"Will you visit us?"
Zayn looked at me and smiled. "Of course. Even though we've known each other for a couple of days, I feel like yall are the closest people I have."
My heart warmed.
"Aaaaawwwwww," we all said.
I wanted him to stay forever.

When Two Bad Boys Collide: Zustin FriendshipWhere stories live. Discover now