Chapter Six

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Chapter Six

I blinked, eyeing the journal with confusion. "Whats that." Rafe to seemed confused. He had obviously not seen that journal before. "Itsmy mothers notes on Avery, she has a lot of important information on him in here. A lot of things our competitors wont have." He said waving the book at me. "Can I see it?" I asked. Sam narrowed his eyes, moving next to me to show me without me having to touch it. "It's the last thing I have of my mother, I'd rather not hand it around." He said. I nodded in understanding. He flipped through the worn pages, notes after notes on Avery and his companions. "Do think she has anything about that number code." I asked him. He snapped his fingers. "I'll look." He began to flip through the pages. Rafe was glaring at him, then looking at me. He seemed to be plotting something. "Whats up Rafe?" I asked. He rolled his shoulder and cracked his neck. "I'm just thinking, don't worry yourself." He said before walking upstairs to his room.

"I don't trust him." I muttered. Sam patted my back in reassurance. "Hes trust worthy, he hasn't betrayed me- yet." He said. I shrugged. "I get a weird vibe from him." Sam moved over to the couches, sitting down then beckoning me over. I sat next to him, leaning on his broad shoulders. He smelled like cinnamon- A strange scent for a man. He put his left arm around me while he continued to read the book. "Do you have a lady back home?" I asked. He looked quizzically at me. "No, why?" I shrugged. "you're an attractive, fit twenty-something year old- Im amazed you don't have girls chasing after you down the street." I said. He chuckled. "I had a couple girlfriends before, but this life doesn't leave a lot of room for romance." I smiled at him. "Doesn't seem to be stopping you."

"Well, I can make room for someone like you." He chuckled. "I have a thing for woman who could probably kick my ass." I flexed my arm. "Look at those muscles, you better watch out Samuel Drake. Alaya Scarlet's gonna kick your ass." He poked my side. "Uh oh, I'm sooo scared." He teased. I stuck my tongue out at him then settled down. "You have a lot of reading to do. I'll stop" he snuggled further down into the plush white couches. I closed my eyes, taking in the peace. For the first time in my life I felt, content. I could just lay here forever and I'd be fine. I must have fallen asleep because I awoke to Sam poking my side. "I found it." He said. Pointing to the worn journal pages. "My mother says that 75014 was the cell number of Avery's cell in Panama." He said- but it was hidden. "Look." He showed me how he'd found that information. His mother was a very crafty person, the pages 7-5-0-1-4 all had a little bit of the information on them and when they where folded correctly you could see her message. "She obviously was very careful about that, probably because its so important." I said. He nodded. "Well, we know where we are going next." I stood, stretching and yawning. "You should get some sleep." I said to him. I'd just napped for who knows how long so, I didn't feel like I needed to go to sleep.

He nodded, kissing me on the cheek before vanishing into his bedroom. I sat down at the counter, playing with the Coins and pictures hanging on the walls. Vincent had been on the right path. He'd found the number for us. I was sitting in silence for a few seconds, then Rafe appeared behind me. He was silent, like a snake- he appeared behind me without a sound. "Jesus-" I muttered. "Can you not sneak up on me." He smirked. "Alaya... I have a proposition for you." He said, slinking around the counter to look directly at me. "You are a seasoned thief, you could do the job twice as fast as Drake. Twice as skilled, twice as agile. You and me, we could take this treasure- we don't need Sam. If we took his journal, just us."Rafe smiled at me, his brown eyes flickering with some sort of evil flame. I stared at him in disbelief. "What the fuck Rafe." I snarled. "Sam is my... friend. I would never betray him like that, it obviously means a lot to him. You're a terrible person." I growled. Rafe shrugged. "It was worth a shot."

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