Chapter Twenty-three

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Chapter Twenty-three

Sam slammed the boat onto the shore and I was almost flung out into the water. He jumped overboard and ran up towards the city. I raced after him. "Sam, wait- we need a plan. We can't just run in there. He'll have thousands of Mercs." I grabbed his wrist. Sam stopped, glancing back at me. "He has my brother- again." he said, looking at me with sad brown eyes. "I wont let him hurt him again. I promised to protect him." Sam yelled into the forest, his voice echoed through the trees. I pulled him closer to me, wrapping my arms around his waist. Holding him close. "And, I'm going to protect you." I told him. "We'll save your brother." I reassured him. He buried his face into my hair. "Why dont you hate me anymore." he asked quietly. "Grace hated Avery... and in doing so, she got all three of her children killed. I will not see your family killed because I could not get passed my hatred of you." I said to him. "People are good, if you give them a chance- and I wont have the blood of the innocent on my hands." I said to him. "You regretted your choice, that should have been enough for me to know you were not like you were. You are a good man, Sam." He moved away from me slightly, looking at me in silence. I must have been quite a sight, covered in mud, dirt and blood. My hair matted and tangled. "I love you." he whispered, our faces got closer by the second.

His hand on my chin, he guided my lips to his. We kissed, he was soft and warm. I felt safe, for the first time in years. It felt like the cold ice around my heart was melting away with each passing second. Heat spreading from my mouth to the rest of my body, warm lava moving through my veins. His skin on his face was rough, but it added to his charm. He was far from perfect, just like me. He pulled away from me, a smug smile on his face. "I love you too..." I said. He smiled. "I know... now- lets go save my family." I nodded, gripping his hand in mine. We raced up the hill towards the city, taking a couple shortcuts. We jumped into libertalia, I followed Sam. He glared into the setting sun, dark shadows stretched across the buildings. We reached the center of the town by sneaking through the buildings. I turned a corner and almost smashed a small form that had run into me. I looked down to see Cassandra wedged in my chest. She looked up in surprise, backing up slightly from me. Sam walked over, seeing his niece made him smile- but it was quickly replaced with concern. "Cas- how did you get away." she panted, taking deep shallow breaths. "Rafe, he has dad- he let me go, he wanted me to find... you. Its a Trap!" she said, grabbing her uncle's shoulders. "Hes going to kill all of us." she cried, tears streaking down her cheeks.

Sam looked at me, his brown eyes filled with concern. "We have to try to save them... they do not deserve such a fate." I said, my green eyes filling with determination. I handed my pistol to Cassie. "I will find another gun, youre going to need that." I cast a hopeless glance at Sam. I didn't honestly think that we could do this, there were hundreds of Mercs and a man with half a robot for a body- waiting for us just ahead. I took a deep breath, finding a gun on a dead Mercs body- and we turned the corner to face our fate. Be it good, or bad. I would face my punishment with honor.

Rafe stood in the center of the circular road. Mercs lined up behind him, guns pointing towards us. Nathan, Elena and Sullivan had bags on their heads. They knelt in front of Rafe, heads down. I stood in front of Sam and Cassandra. "Quite the standoff." Rafe said, stepping towards us. I cocked the rifle, and I saw the Mercs stiffen. "People like you always loose, Rafe" I said.

Rafe chuckled. "Well, maybe in hollywood movies- but... in real life, the people with the money always win." he lowered his hand, the signal for them to open fire on us. I dove towards a crate, firing my gun and the Mercs. More of them poured from the buildings surrounding us. I needed to-


My aim turned from a lone Merc to a loose beam above the door to the main building they were coming out of. I shot it and the thing broke, collapsing the entrance and door preventing anymore mercs from coming out. I vaulted the crate my boot landing squarely on the face of the closest mercenary. The sound of bullets on metal and gears entered my ears then I was flying back with a sharp pain in my low stomach. I collided with the wall and landed on the ground in a cloud of dust. A boot came down on my head and my skull was smashed into the pavement. I coughed up crimson liquid. There was a yell, then Rafe was knocked away from me. Sam covered me with his body. While my vision was becoming blurry, memories of our first meeting came to mind. The stupid wolf mask he had been wearing... he reminded me of a wolf in this very moment. We were a pair of wolves, facing off against a cobra. You'd think that'd be easy... unfortunately the cobra has a metal arm. Sam dug the hilt of his gun into Rafes face, Rafe just laughed and shrugged it off. "I've made, a few- modifications.... Since we met in Ireland." His fist came up and connected with Sams gut, causing him to kneel over and crumple forward in pain. He went down when Sam punched him squarely in the back of the head. Rafe pulled a gun from his back pocket and pointed it at Sams head. I reached out, but I couldn't move.


A bullet flew at Rafe, hitting his human arm, he was knocked back by the impact. He looked up in Rage. Cassandra- who no Merc had payed much mind to was standing. Her hands shaking as she shot at Rafe. He shouted in anger and ran at her. Sam grabbed his foot as he did so, causing him to fall. I forced myself up and jumped on Rafe. My knee digging into his head. Rafe struggled against me as I attempted to hold him down. Striking his mostly metal head with my knee. He pushed against me, he was much stronger than I. He grabbed me, rolling over and pinning me down. I growled like a dog, struggling and kicking against him. He landed a punch on my face, I dodged the next one. This continued until Sam pulled him off of me. At this point, The remaining Mercenaries had disbanded or died. Rafe grabbed Sam, ,throwing him forward then landing a punch on my face- I spat out blood- then landed a strong punch squarely on his stomach and kicked him right in the dick. I pushed him off me and stood up, wiping the blood from my face. Cassandra had ran to her family and untied them. Nathan and Sully had grabbed some guns while Elena protected her daughter. "Its six against one, asshole." I said to Rafe who was still laying on the ground. He began to laugh as he slowly stood up. "Do you honestly think... that I would do this and not have a backup plan." he groaned as he pulled a bomb trigger from his pocket. He set the charge and grinned at us. "Run!" I screamed, I attempted to get away but Rafe grabbed my foot. "If I can't kill the Drakes- I'll kill the bitch who let them get away." the ground below us began to open up and I was sucked into it.

I fell, attempting to kick Rafe off my body as we fell through the ground and towards the water in the cave. I covered my face as I smacked into the water, I sunk down. Rafe still holding onto my foot. His metal arm would not allow him to swim. I struggled against him, kicking and fighting with all my might but I was being sucked into the darkness. I hit the bottom, it was pitch black. A small amount of light began to spread across the surface above me as I stopped trying to breathe. So.. this was it huh... Well.. it'd been a good run...

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