Chapter Nine

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Chapter Nine

I exited the cabin, eyeing the two men standing at the back of the boat overlooking the ocean. The salty breeze cut through my hair causing it to dance around my pale face. I couldn't say I enjoyed riding on this hunk of metal, but it would be under the radar of any mercenary ships that would be circling the islands. The sun quickly set and the moon climbed its way into the midnight sky. I was left alone, while the others went to sleep. I stood on the deck glaring into the waves as the moon painted them with white as I was standing there, a soft beeping began to emanate from the control room. I pushed open the door, the Captain was asleep in his chair. On the radar there was a small dot that got closer with each sweep. I pushed the man, he awoke. Eyes wide in surprise."Look." I almost smashed his face into the radar. "Jesus woman." He looked at the radar for a second, before flipping on the lights.

A low fog had begun to spread across the water. It was like the start to a bad horror movie. The dot was getting closer. "What is it." I demanded. He shrugged. "I don't know. They don't have a com system- but it's a ship." The dot vanished off the radar. "Fuck." I said as I heard the sound of crumpling metal. It was a mercenary submarine. It had crashed into the boats side. We where rocked sideways, I grabbed my pistol from my belt and raced out from the control room. They had smashed the port side of the boat and where climbing onboard. "Get the girl!" one shouted as Cassie and Sam appeared from the sleeping rooms. I fired at them. Jumping down the side of the elevated control room landing on one of the idiots.

I kicked at him and stole his rifle. Gunning down a couple of the idiots who ran at me. Sam and Victor appeared beside me, shielding the child with their bodies. Gunfire lit up the dark night and blood began to run across the deck of the boat. "How did they find us!?" Sam shouted. "I have no idea, but we need to get off this ship." My eyes targeted their sub. "We can take that." I said. "Victor and Cassandra, you run for it. We will cover you." They could only fit so many mercs inside one of those things. I continued to fire at them as the old man and the child made a break for the ship. They opened the hatch and jumped inside I could hear the sounds of a fight then victor yelled up at me. "We're fine!" The Mercs realized what we where doing at that point and grabbed me. This one was bigger then the others, the leader probably. He held me by putting his arms over my chest and squeezing. I kicked and bit at him but he didn't seem phased by it. He just held me, he didn't attempt to hurt me in any way. Sam ran at him and dug the handle of his gun into the mans head. He relaxed his arms slightly and I kicked him into the ocean. "If you where smart you would have let me die." I snarled at him. Sams eyes narrowed. "Your welcome."

I jumped into the Submarine slamming the hatch closed behind me. "I assume you know how to drive one of these." I said to Victor as I heard shouting and knocking on the top of the metal roof. "No, but it cant be that hard" the man said as he hit a couple buttons and the pushed the drive stick forward. The ship began to sink down into the water and under the ship. It shook one final time before we submerged completely in the dark sea. Cas sat in the corner her knees pulled to her chin. Sam had a bullet wound in his left arm. I pulled a first aid kit from the wall and began to wrap it for him. "Why are you helping me." He winced. "If you die from infection I wont get to kill you." I said, my voice even and cold. He stopped talking and let me dress his wound. "Victor do you have any wounds that need attention." I asked the old man driving the sub. "No." he said quietly, but from where I stood I could see the blood seeping into his white clothing. "Yeah, right." I muttered removing some gauze from the box and disinfecting the cut. The bullet had only grazed him, noting serious but it was better to be safe than sorry. Then I sat down on one of the benches, a few guns and some supplies sat in crates under the seats. I dug through them, finding a lone phone sitting amongst the guns. I opened it up, seeing a couple of texts from an unsaved number. "don't blow up planes in a public airport, we don't want them dead. I want them alive, if you kill a single one you'll pay for it. They are heading off the islands on a fishing vessel. Catch them. –A" I read it outloud. Sam rubbed his wound and looked at me. "Whos A." he muttered. "Probably their boss."

"Know anyone with a first name that starts with A?" I asked the three. Each shook their heads. "Let me see those guns." Sam asked, I kicked the box towards him and he pulled one of the models out examining it. "I've seen guns like this before." He said. "Nadine's men carried these rifles." He said.

"Is it possible she came back to finish the job." Sullivan asked. Sam rubbed his head. "No, I don't think so- she left Nate and Rafe to die on Averys ship. She didn't seem to care about Rafe- or Nate. I doubt she would be involved." I said. "But... mercenaries are unpredictable. Perhaps someone paid her off." He said. "Nadine Ross." I said. "I knew her, she was a smart woman. A little brash at times, but she knew what she was doing." Sam nodded, glancing at his neice. She was starting to drift off, poor thing. She wasn't equip for this life, but alas. We would be stuck in this hunk of metal for a couple of days. So, I might as well get comfortable

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