Chapter Forty-One

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Chapter Forty-one

"SAm!? Sam!" I cried, my brother was out cold. I turned to look at the missiles headed straight for the new york harbor. All seemed lost. Alaya stood at the controls, laughing. We all stared, we couldnt do anything now. Suddenly a zeppelin veered to the right, it cut in front of two of the missiles. "What!" Alaya snarled, the blimp exploded. Taking two of the missiles with it. The third-however. Headed straight for the harbor- and before it could be stopped it crashed onto the shore of Newyork. Detonating, the explosion ripped through the air. Alaya watched it, a grin on her scared face. It had hit just the first area of newyork- but peope still died. Eris grabbed her, her fingers digging into a pressure point on her side. The doctor turned on Rafe, landing a swift slap to his face. "This is your fault." She yelled. "If you hadnt been so powerhungry- you wouldnt have corrupted Alaya like this! I told you to be careful with her, her memory was joggy- yet you insisted on giving her this powerarmor and those bloody wings." she snapped at him. Rafe rubbed his face, glancing back at me- then to newyork city. The burning buildings and rubble that could be seen. "I never wanted this." Rafe whispered. Eris stared at him, sighing quietly. "I know. We need to go-" the control station beeped and Eris pressed a small green button on the mic. A recording started to play. "I dont know if you'll ever get this, but. Nathan- Sam. I'm truly sorry, nothing I will ever say will change what I did. I have no words to qwell the pain I put you through- but meeting your wife and child Nathan. I knew, I knew I had to do something... so. I'm going to drive this blimp into those missiles and save some lives. I'm sorry boys." the recording cut out. I felt cold running through my body. That was my father, my real fathers voice. He had sacrificed himself to save innocent people he didnt even know. I took a sharp breath, watching the remains of the burning blimp fall into the sea. I felt sad, even though he had been a terrible father.

We turned the last blimp around, flying back to Hawaii. Samuels wounds were treated by Eris, Cassie and Elena ran to me- Elena hugging me and crying. She whimpered something about trying to stop my father, but he had insited. Some of the Mercs had survived, but they had all been subdued by Eris. We landed back at the base, taking everything out of the blimps- including Alaya. Eris went to work on removing the metal from her body- muttering something about the possibility of saving her. Sam woke up, he rubbed his head. Looking at us. "What happened..."

"Dennis, he- sacrificed himself. He managed to stop some of the missiles, but, some of new york was still hit." I said to him. My brother looked over at Alaya and the doctor. "Can you save her?" he asked. Eris looked up at him, sighing quietly. "Yes I can- but she is going to need to stay at a hospital for a long time. I have a syurm that will un-do some of the damage, but she will lose almost all of her memory. Along with the rest of the mercs." Eris said, clicking the last peice of metal off of Alayas body. Sam moved over to her, looking at her, his brown eyes filled with sadness... morning maybe..? I didnt know, everything had happened so fast. My father, dead. My best friend, dead.

I hugged Elena and Cassie close, I was thankful that they had survived without a scratch. Maybe now we could live a normal life.


Alaya and the other Mercs were admitted to Hawaiis national hospital. She was put in an artificial coma. She had the worst of the damage, her skin would need graphing to fix the scaring. She would need alot of treatment to get better- the Doctors told me not to hold out, her brain had been through hell. It was likely she would take years, decades to repair. Aimi woke up a week later, she had very little damage. She didnt remember anything about what happened, she only remembered me- our relationship- and our dogs. She asked about our dogs, all the time. Rafe and Eris were put in jail, Eris had a 5 year sentence and Rafes 20 year sentence was reduced to ten after a plea of insanity. Nathan and Elena returned to their life, Cassie would be going into her Senior year of highschool now. I visited Alaya every day. She was healing, every day the glowing red fade more. I would talk to her about what had happened while she was gone. A part of me feared when she would wake up, she would attack me- or she would be the same, or maybe.. Completely different. Weeks passed, months, years.

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