Chapter Twenty-Four

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Chapter Twenty-four

Memories of my life, passing across my eyes as I was sucked down into the dark blue abyss. It

was becoming peaceful the father I was dragged down. I felt my body hit the sand with a soft thud, my eyes began to close and warm golden memories filled my mind. The happiest I'd been was when I was with Sam, vivid memories of our talks in my old apartment. Him defending me from Victor.

The warm were replaced by darker ones as I went farther back into my memory. "You are a burden, your father and I should have never had a child." my mothers voice cut through the dark water. She had died ten years ago, we had never made up... throughout my teen years she had treated me like dirt. She hadnt wanted a child, let alone the bastard daughter of a rich man who had never loved her. I had been a constant reminder of how no one had loved her enough to marry her and have a child. That, she had been so lonely that she had conceived me with a married man. The maids were the ones who took care of me. She was hardly ever around, that was partly why I had become rebellious and instead of sitting down and learning how to be proper I became a Thief and lived a life of adventure. My father didnt care much about me either, he wanted a prize daughter- and well, he'd been the one who arranged that I'd be married off to Vicent.

Would anyone really miss me...? Down at the bottom of the ocean, rotting away in the sand. I accepted death, It was about that time for me anyway... All storys must come to an end. The final stroke of darkness overtook me and I was gone from this world, taken away by the song of nothingness. My last thought was of Sam. "I'm sorry, Sam." I felt my voice whisper as I choked on the water one last time. Then, I faded into the void. One last time.


I crawled out of the water, Nathan standing above me with Sully, Elena and Cassandra. I coughed and choked on sea water, pulling seaweed from my hair and body. "Shes not here, maybe Rafe took her!" I said. Trying to hold onto a tiny string of hope. Nathan pulled me up, my brother grabbed my shoulders, forcing me to look at him. "Shes, dead- Sam." he said. I shook my head, I refused to believe it. "No, she wouldn't die like that." I snarled angrily, shoving my little brother away. Cassie let out a low sob, she was scooping something out of the water. It was a necklace, stuck to one of the rocks. Cassies eyes filled with tears as she walked over to me, her feet dragging across the wooden planks. The necklace, Alaya had been wearing- she'd taken it from Averys room... It was a golden cross, not a regular cross. It was Saint Brigid's cross, the patron saint of Ireland's cross. It had probably been Grace's. Cassie began to cry uncontrollably. Her mother pulled her close, holding the fragile child in her arms. "Its over, Cassie. We are safe."

I stared at the tiny cross in my hands, holding it close to my heart. "Shes not dead." I said. Nathan hugged me, letting out a quiet sigh. "I know you dont want to believe it, but shes dead... Sam. We have to move on. She died to protect us, to protect you. We're safe now, Rafe is gone with her."

I felt tears start to form in my eyes, but I shook them away. "I-"

"Samuel- shes gone." Sullivan said, patting my shoulder as Nathan moved away from me. I looked over my family and then back at the black water. Holes in the roof of the cave illuminated the water in the golden light of the sunrise. I stared at where she had disappeared. There was no sign of her or Rafe, they had either escaped or... I shut the thought out. She wouldnt die like this, she couldnt. Could she? Alaya had seemed so immortal to me, she'd survived near death experiences upwards of four times. A little water couldn't kill her, could it? I moved away from the others towards the edge of the dock, preparing to jump in to look again. "Sam no." Nathan grabbed my arm. "They're gone, you need to accept that." I ripped my myself away from him attempting to jump into the water. "No!" I yelled. "She couldn't die like this, a little water never killed anyone. You hear me, Alaya!" I shouted, my voice echoing through the cavern. I struggled against my brother as he held me back. "Sam, they're gone, stop- please." I relaxed, the necklace in my hand growing heavy. She was gone, she was really... gone. I collapsed, my head hanging down as I knelt on the end of the dock. Water lapped at the beams below me. Nathan touched my shoulder. "We need to get out of here." one of Rafes boats sat in the cave, Nathan piled his family into it. He eventually coaxed me away from where I'd knelt and we all got into the boat. We left Libertalia, to never return. I slipped the necklace over my neck, the cross sitting above my heart.

I touched it, I wouldn't accept that she was really gone- probably ever, but the necklace would bring me peace. What little peace I could ever get in this world. Fate was never kind to me. Was it?

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