Thirty- six

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"Put her on life support, then!" We hear doctors holler at each other.
"She's dying." The doctor tells us.
"Dad?" My dad couldn't take it anymore, he faints. "Dad!" The doctor runs to my father's aid and he puts his ear over my father's heart.
"It's stopped beating." The doctor gets another doctor to carry my dad to another room.
"I don't know what to do, he had a heart attack, Jesse. His heart stopped beating." Jesse kisses the top of my head.

"It's going to be okay." Jesse coos. "I feel for him, Bec. His wife is dying... I know she doesn't mean much to you, but she does to him."

The doctors come to speak to us. "Rebeca Mitchell?" I nod. "Your father is going to be alright. Thankfully his back hit the floor first, and not his head so there is no head injury. He had a panic attack, not so much a heart attack, so that's great news."

"Yeah, okay. Thank you." The doctor smiles and walks away. "I just- I need some air." I walk away from Jesse and the hospital when I step outside. I take deep inhales and exhales.

I call my mom

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I call my mom.


"Rebeca, are you alright?"

"No." I cry. "Sheila is in the hospital- she has cancer and Dad-"

"Honey, I divorced that man, I don't need-"

"Mother, this is not about you right now. This is about Dad and his wife." I warn.

"Okay, how is she?"

"She's dying." I cry again. "Dad had a major panic attack and he passed out and I was so scared, Mom."

"It's okay, sweetie. He's alright."

"You don't know that!" I exclaim. "You don't know that at all! He's hurting and you would've known that if you ever bothered to pick up the damn phone every once in a while! But no, you never do!"

"I have to go back to work, Beca. I'll call you in a bit."

"No. You don't get to do that." I calm down. "You don't get to just run away from all your problems like you did to Dad. I don't care if this is hard for you to hear, you'll do it anyway."

"I will?"

"You will. You will do it because you love me and you care for Dad. No mater how much you hate to say it, you still care for him. Admit it." I demand her.

"I have to go. Goodbye, Rebeca."

"No." The line goes dead. "I hate you."


Hello!!!! Surprise update!! How is everyone?!

Sad chapter, I'm sorry:(.

But what did you think, questions? Comments?

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