Chapter 11

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I don't know what took me, but I was off.

That feeling, that thing that took me during dodgeball takes hold of me again.

I was moving like I was there, but I felt as I was faster, lighter, stronger. I was something else. Something not totally human.

The others were already propelling or sliding down the rope as I crawl over to the edge. It no longer scared me; that edge and feeling of falling to death. I start calculating and a male voice enters my head. "Grab the rope, pull it up, and tie your foot just enough to hold you but to easily escape with only about six feet from the bottom of the rope."

That voice sounded familiar, but I don't question it. My hands work quickly as people continue to propel down the sixty foot wall, getting closer to the next part while I was still standing on the platform. I pull up the rope, tie it to my ankle, and stand up.

Gods and Goddesses were floating around taking notes. Some were looking poorly or curiously at me as I waited for the voice.

It didn't come and my brain whirls into over-drive. Time to take matters into my own hands. I jog to the end of the platform and look at the edge. The familiar feeling of fear of heights starts to crawl up and I yell, bursting into full speed and jumping off the platform.

I jumped off the freaking thirty-foot in the air platform to avoid the fear of jumping off the platform. Wow Eva... Ironic much?

The wind whistles around me as I fall and fall and fall. Students zoom by as I shoot down.

The male voice enters my head, "Tense and take the impact of the cushioned wall with your shoulder!"

My body naturally turns as I get closer to the ground. My human fear starts to take over as I fly down. My eyes squeeze shut and I cry out as I get yanked by the rope around my foot. My body crashes against the surprisingly cushioned wall. "HURRY!" The voice echoes in my head.

I reach up, working my stomach, and nimbly untie myself. Pain shoots through my neck and head as I crash into the ground but I stand up fast. Some of the teacher gods had their eyebrows raised while Mr. Plasmic was smirking. The rest of the group was still concentrating on getting to the floor by crawling down, but they were close.

"Run." The male voice commands. My body follows without my permission. Then again, I wasn't really thinking. I just was a passenger in my surprisingly now-strong body. I burst forward, across the huge grassy field. In a couple of minutes, gods and some of the humans were passing me; zooming away like lightning.

I was starting to get frustrated as my lungs and legs start to burn. The voice gives me strength and calms me, "Relax. We aren't fast but everyone has their limitations, even gods. We'll catch up."

I give a tiny nod and continue to try to run the mile. Gods were already crawling up the huge dirty pillars that were shooting from the ground in the next challenge while most of the humans were ahead of me.

Finally, I make it. My lungs burn and oh how I want to give up. "Keep going!" The voice hisses at me.

A sob crawls up my throat but I choke it down and take a fiery deep breath and push my aching feet forward. The pillars themselves were a parkour challenge. They were like a mountain, but very separated with large gapes between each pillar. The main challenge was up above.

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