Chapter 24

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Two things...

One: A SECRET EXTRA CHAPTER has been added.
(Chapter 4 part 2)

Two: ADORABLE FANART ABOVE FROM AN INSTAGRAMER! (thank you so much! its totally amazing!)
(P.s. Who thinks they look so freaking hot!?!?)

*(Credits to creators)*



"Okay so we need to stop by Sephora, Forever 21, uhhh maybe Ecochi? Oh defiantly Limited Edition! Um, maybe Macy's? This store, that store ect. ect. ect......." Venus starts naming off.

Sophia moans, "So many storesssss."

Venus gives her a sly glance, "We'll eat and go to the spa afterrrrrrrrrrrrr..."

"Deal!" Sophia shouts and takes another sip of her smoothie. I laugh, trying to shake off the butterflies in my gut and the pressure in my chest. Venus taps her chin, "First. Hair make over." She grabs my hand, dragging me away. We walk about five minutes to get all the way to the other side of mall to get away from any thoughts of Haden. Venus pushes me into Sparkle's Hair Salon.

"Miana! You're looking good!" She grins, shouting to the lady behind the counter.

"Ah! Venus! How you going galfriend?" The woman smiles, showing her brilliant teeth. Too white for human.

"I need a hair makeover." Venus leans against the counter, Sophie and I standing awkwardly behind her.

Miana was a young woman with red, orange, and yellow ambre hair that was to her waist in length, and styled in curls. She had grey eyes and a lip piercing. Very pretty... almost too pretty.

"Oh done girly!" Miana waves her hand and instantly Venus's hair becomes two inches longer, perfectly straight, and a bright green. Venus yelps then laughs. "No! Not me Miana!"

Yep. Miana is a goddess. That explains her extraordinary good looks. I'm guessing a goodly goddess as well; probably of hair.

"You are no fun Ve!" Miana grins and waves her hand again. Venus's hair returns to normal. She releases a sigh of relief.

Miana's grey eyes zone on me and Sophie. "So which two of you are getting the hair style?"

I give a shy half smile, "That'd be me."

She gives a quick skim of my body. "What are you trying to accomplish?"

"To get a boy a taste of his own bad boy medicine." Venus smirks.

Miana raises an eyebrow, "You want to knock a guy off of his feet and make him crawling toward you?"

I shake my head. "No. I want to make a god knocked off his feet. But not crawling back towards me. I hate him."

Miana gives a half smirk, "Hate and Love is the same emotion. But fine! I know exactly what you want. A hairstyle that says: 'Move it b*tches! I'm confident and the world can't do sh*t to me!"

We chuckle. "Just about."

Miana claps her hands, "Done!"


"Damn you look so different with that hair!" Venus exclaims for the hundredth time.

"You said that a thousand times now!" I laugh. "But thanks."

Sophie nudges me, "She's right you know. Miana knew exactly what to do without changing who you are."

I blush. "Thanks girls."

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