Chapter 34

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I close my eyes and take a deep breath. Will I even be able to tell them everything?

Haden's eyes were piercing through me.

I groan, "Okay! I'll talk. But first answer me this... Why isn't my brother or Venus or Sophie or Dillan here?"

Nile and Haden share a glance and Nile sighs. "Eva. We all thought you died. Its Haden's job to take care of dead people. However, he still felt the connection he has to you because of school project. If you were truly dead, that would have been broken. He told me since everyone else was too hysterical and here we are."

Haden growls in warning, reading my thoughts, "Don't even think about it. You are not seeing anyone until we get this thing figured out, or least until you return to your damn body for some time."

I narrow my ghostly eyes, "Fine!"

"Now spill." growls Haden, taking a threatening step forward. 

"Urg." I roll my eyes at his 'big bad and bulking' demeanor, "Fine. Is there a way for you to view my memories?"

"Your mortal memories while you are this spirit? I think ya." Nile grins before Haden said anything. Haden's jaw tenses and his fangs start to protrude. 

"Haden. I'm already dead. Nothing can happen to me!" I snap. He growls, "If you get too lost in your memories, you will be forever gone."

"No offense, I'm already dead. I'd rather not have this threat get to you as well." I coyly point out.

Nile shrugs in agreement. Haden rolls his jaw, "Alright. Come 'ere." 

I float over to where Haden was standing as Nile walks over as well. "Hover your hand above our foreheads." 

I listen.

"Now repeat after me: partem memoriae apud eos." 

"Partem memoriae apud eos." I test on my tongue. "WHOOSH!" 

Suddenly I go blind as white eats at my vision. 

I gasp as I am in a new place; the dungeon. I look at myself, I was still this 'ghostly' figure. I feel the two others watching everything as I float around.

I remember the masks and suddenly we were there when the masked bandit attacked. I screech and duck, and suddenly, I was back in the quiet dungeon. Its grey walls surrounded me in like a box. A single wooden door led out and water dripped from the stone walls. A single light bulb hangs from the top, flickering as water drips upon it.

"Mortal." I hear a voice rumble. "You need to concentrate on what memory you like, otherwise, we will go to other memories."

"Okay." I whisper and shut my eyes. Take me to my vision.


We were back in the dungeon, except, the spirit of Evan was now there, floating around. A voice suddenly booms inside the huge room. "Does she know you are gone?"

The voice was warm, filled with power, and awfully alluring... almost familiar.

"No. Everything is going to plan and like a sheep, she follows my every command. However, that pesky god who is her partner is making her more rebellious." The spirit pulses, its hoarse voice echoing in the tiny little stone box of a dungeon room. 

"Good. Her rebellious ways against gods will help tremendously the rebellion. I need you to convince her to join the rebellion." The hallow voice sounded.

The spirit pulses, "Of course. But when? She is in the witch village currently."

"A group is attacking there tonight. Get her to center of town. Severa Jude will be there to take her." I hear a gasp from one of the watching Mighty gods.  The warm, bellowing voice continues, "She won't kill her, but will immobilize her enough to make sure no magic, god or witch, will be able to save her until I say so."

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