Chapter 1 • The Market Place

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A girl of fourteen, who had thick messy auburn hair and pale green eyes, was shrouded in common brown robes. She had lost the pink in her cheeks. On a rough stone wall she slumped, panting and catching her breath. Her heart thumped wildly underneath her chest.

Looking around, she could see more of the townsfolk than an hour ago; but they didn't seem to notice her. She combed her hair with her fingers, as if to mentally disentangle herself from the mess she was into just a few minutes back.

It was the time of the year where the market was the busiest and people came to the city to trade. There were tents of different colors that serve as havens displaying clothing, accessories, food, furniture, and rare objects of value - all sorts of trinkets that enchant the eye. Scents of several foreign spices danced in the air, along with the ripening of fruits. People were talking all at the same time asking for values, inquiring history, searching for good finds, baskets swaying in their arms. It was the merchants who flocked the city grounds that made the local market a hustling delightful place to tour. They were either attending to their morning customers or enumerating their items to entice the early audience.

Across the city, lanterns, ribbons, flags, and occasional curtains lined the cobblestone path toward the castle, all of them revealing the city's code of color - forest green. The street paintings were re-stained and gleamed with vivid hues and patterns. And of course, music... festive sounds filled the air non-stop, as the musicians found their way with tin cans and coin boxes. It was the perfect picture of a typical fruitful feast in the region of Elysia.

Robed or plain, in dusty trousers or pricey pressed fabrics, both wise and simple, everyone in town appeared to be engaged and excited for the season's event - the midsummer feast of the city of Kalos.

"Ohh.." the robed girl groaned as she now felt the pain on her knee - a graze. Her thoughts raced back to that careless scene she managed to escape from...


A swordshop. It was the first time she saw this foreign booth standing and surprisingly open amidst the still covered stalls on a market day during the festival. And look! What intricacies.. Tierra neared the shop; a plethora of careful handiwork and historical designs welcomed her. She felt a surge of energy; there was something in the shapes and textures of the swords, sabers, and rapiers she was ogling at that made her feel so confounded, suddenly connected, and swelled with determination as if to accomplish a mission. She felt like conquering a country.

"How may I help you, my lady?" a grey bearded man in a thick fur cloak disrupted her thoughts. It was only minutes since the sun shone so buyers were few.

Embarrassed for being soaked in her fascination, Tierra bowed her head and gave away a shy smile. She was also told never to talk to strangers, especially if they were not from around here. Still, she couldn't help but notice that behind the elder vendor was a curious sword, lined with grape vine patterns in its silver-lavender handle.

The sword shop owner glanced to where Tierra was looking and smiled, "Intriguing. You seem to be interested in the Sword of Balfore."

"The Sword of Balfore?" Tierra repeated.

"Yes. It is said to be inspired from the mighty warrior who lived a century ago and led armies in Elysia, the Great Balfore of Sephyria," he paused and stretched his arm to the side, "Come, take a look at it."

A knowing smile erupted from the bearded vendor when Tierra took a step inside - too marveled by the sword to decline. Despite the shade, she felt a trickle of sweat running through the side of her forehead.

Inside the sword shop, Tierra had a clearer view of the many, many swords bounded in their sheaths in tall baskets, hinting only the patterns, shapes and styles of their handles. Some were laid out fully supported by small hooks from handgrip to tip. Some were short and dagger-like and mounted in plates. But Tierra could guess that the costlier ones were displayed in polished wooden stands, standing majestic in their handsomely sculpted shafts.

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