Chapter 25 ▪ Arcale Ravhorn (2/2)

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They trotted to a clearing, close to the river bed which would flow through the castle's canal.

The air was less stale on this side. The grass was trimmed and had a musky scent when stepped on. The rock hill enclosed them from the side and only the chirping of the birds and the sound of the river were their afternoon noise. But the sun still glared as if to convey its supremacy above all.

On the far end before the line of trees that separated them from the waters, eight upright logs stood with the familiar circles on them.

"Targets," Cale exclaimed, needing to strain his voice more as the expanse of the clearing scattered the sounds, "Once I teach you how to properly use this weapon, we'll have short assessments after."

Tierra gripped her bow. She looked for Eros who apparently was already eyeing her. They both raised their bows when their eyes met, eager smiles forming on their lips.

"You have arrows on the sacks. Get maybe two or three and take turns in shooting." Their preceptor took one. "These are makeshift arrows. The tips of these are only made out of low end metals so you can easily pierce the soft wood I prepared, and not hurt anyone along the way. Hurt badly that is.

"Alright! Ready, aspirants?"

The class chorused a yes and with that followed the instructions of Arcale Ravhorn about holding a bow, nocking the arrow, drawing the string, aiming a target, and releasing the darted weapons.

It wasn't long when he allowed them to stand their posts facing the wood columns and try hitting their targets. The boys took up the stance even if some weren't exactly thrilled.

"Dude, we could have started with throwing knives, or javelins, or you know, spear fighting." Simmon whispered to Cale.

"Soon enough, Simmon, soon enough," Cale replied.

Sipka looked like she was purposely making it extra difficult so that Cale would aide her. And when he did and locked a semi-embrace, she made knowing smiles to Breena and Gafta and a raised brow to Karys. Karys just rolled her eyes.

The boys were soon getting the hang of the game. They cheered when Salovin almost hit the center. So much for splitting the class into two teams.

It wasn't long when the atmosphere took a turn. Reed apparently held too tight that he broke his bow. Jerille's hands were too sweaty that the arrow bent into two. Judinn cried when she couldn't throw farther than half the distance. The hem of Allie's skirt tore as Loompa almost hit her leg.

It was Tierra's turn, finally.

She breathed in, silencing the noise around her. She closed her eyes, and when she opened them, Maizy was in front of her, "Go T-tierra, go!" she said then giggled away. Maizy looked extra happy today, until Tierra noticed Jerille must have borrowed her hanky to wipe his hands.

Tierra breathed in again. She eyed the target. There were about five other arrows scattered on the circles and about seven on the column itself. She placed her arrow and pulled the string towards her shoulder. Steady now. And release!

The crowd on the other team cheered loudly. Did I hit? She hit. A perfect bull's eye. On the other side, Gafta and Florice was patting Breena's back. Breena hit the center circle too.

 Breena hit the center circle too

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