Chapter 17 ▪ A Watcher's Station

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This is so annoying. Two chapters (17 and 18) seem to be unpublished even if I did publish them. I posted 3 chapters in 1 day but only Chapter 19 went through. Ughh I hope Wattpad fixes this. :( Anyway, this should have been next. Now back to the story...

The sun was strikingly bright at this hour of the day and many of the academics were shielding their faces. Breena, Sipka, and Gafta positioned themselves in a rather shady area below a willow tree, where Florice was straining her neck for a view of their preceptor.

"Now before we head out. I want to fix your mindset. This afternoon's session is important in your first day as an academic because it will give you the glimpse of the possible world you will be living in once you face your charge."

Karys looked as if she was in her best mood, raising eyebrows with Serin and an arm on her partner's shoulder. Tierra was biting her lip, standing awkwardly beside her note-obsessed companion.

Miss Deci was drumming her wand once again as she eyed her students, "We are going to visit our city's wardens and see them in...well...their working environment." The preceptor went on, "this is important because as early as today, you have to put into heart, that you not only need to be serious about a warden's duty, but you also need to eventually discover its real meaning and essence in a kingdom.

"I have only one invariable request for each of you," she paused for effect, "I appeal that, at all times, be hungry..." Everyone turned to Loompa who was still chomping on some buttered garlic bread. Loompa stopped, looked around, and bowed her head in embarrassment. Sipka was seen raising a brow and smirking.

Miss Deci sighed, "Class, I beg of you. Miss Paathens, I'm sorry, of course not you. I meant, at all times, please be hungry for knowledge." She looked at her wand. "Be always willing to learn anything about being a warden. Again, it is not going to be easy. We are still straightening your schedule this year. And I cannot stress just how much you need to be prepared, class, but you should. So pay attention." She nodded to them, "are my points taken well?"

"Yes, Miss Deci," the class chorused.

"Besides...your you act right now...your every being watched...articulated...and evaluated by the Omni...Do not falter...choose wisely." She furrowed her eyebrows realizing a thought, "I assume everyone here are concords, correct? That is to say believers of the Omni?"

Gafta side glanced at her two friends who were silent.

When the academics nodded, Miss Deci continued, "Be reminded though, that there is no place for discords or radicals in this region. Let us keep the harmony and purity of Elysia, my dear aspirants. As this is our life mission. Now let us start with our afternoon tour." She placed a hand on her hip, "First stop, our prestigious Kalos Watchers." She took a step, "This way please!"


It was a long walk to The Preserve. Nailed to its entrance top were curly brown letters that danced in a nicely aged wooden plaque.

 Nailed to its entrance top were curly brown letters that danced in a nicely aged wooden plaque

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