Chapter 15 ▪ Meeting the Academics (2/4)

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Tierra’s seatmate has now seemed to notice her, she smiled at Tierra. Tierra smiled back, nodding.

Their preceptor tapped her chin, “I see that the boys have huddled in the back. Why don’t we start the introduction from there?”

There were groans and complains from them. Tierra turned to look. At the back of her was an emergency exit door and to the right of it was Salovin, who noticed her looking. He nodded. Tierra bowed, ashamed for being caught.

“Do I hear objections?” There were yeas. “Okay, will you boys promise not to be rowdy throughout the class?”

The boys and Salovin nodded, puppy-dog eyes. Tierra noticed Eros at the far end to the right, beside the wall. He was mimicking the others.

A girl on their front, the same row as Tierra, puffed and rolled her eyes. She flicked her long chocolate curls from her shoulder. A net of complex braids dangled at her back. She could be the prettiest in the room.

“Alright then. Let’s start with you there from the front left and then there, going there…” Miss Deci said making a zigzag hand gesture, “and then to these behave gentlemen at the back.” The boys sighed in relief, some of them high-fiving. She nodded to the short braided gingerhead beside the entrance.

The girl stood up, her knees started to wobble.

“Go on, tell us your whole name, how you want to be called, if you’re from here or from Sephyria and well, anything else about yourself.”

She lowered her head and faced the crowd, “Hi, uhm… I’m Monet Griggony. You can call me Monet. As you can see from my braids, I’m from Sephyria. And I love sea creatures, which is good because they are abundant in our city. Uhm, that’s all.”

The pretty Sephyrian girl Tierra was eyeing on leaned on her palm, blowing brown strands away from her face. She seemed like the one who wasn't easy to entertain.

To the side, the one beside Mr. Leng’s daughter started whispering, “I thought the city of Agathos was abundant in fishes.” The Leng girl just shrugged her shoulders.

Tierra’s seatmate was scribbling furiously again. I guess she wants to record everything on paper, Tierra thought to herself. Or maybe because fellow-gingers do that. Like take notes of each other.

The first row was done introducing, which was a mixture of Sephyrians and Kalosians. It was Allie’s row’s turn.

“Oh before we proceed, may I just ask out of curiosity. Is there a Sephyrian in this room not wearing a braid?” Miss Deci questioned.

There was silence. It was then that Tierra realized her seatmate was sporting two thin braids, which had a few strands letting loose. And no, it wasn’t a ginger thing. She did take note of every introduction.

“Well then. That will be easy for me to differentiate then. Okay, let’s proceed.” Miss Deci nodded to the boy next to Allie, who appeared to be practicing his speech. He stood up, spiny fingers playing the hem of his shirt.

“My name’s Gorvan Aroggil. You may call me Gorvan or Gorvy. I’m from…”

Tierra felt that she should at least talk to her seatmate. “Hi there,” she started.

The Sephyrian gingerhead looked at her startled, “Oh, hi,” and went on writing.

“I’m Tierra.”


Tierra shifted in her seat, “What’s your name?”

The note taker adjusted her glasses, “I’m M-maizy. But s-sorry to say this, b-but can we wait for the introd-duction? I will write down e-everything about you, d-don’t worry.”

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