Chapter 32 ▪ The Emissary Gem

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Tierra squinted. The light coming from what she was holding made her eyes hurt. She couldn't even look at it.


She clutched one of its sides - cylinder....metal....curvy patterns...

The light from it went out, and she saw it clearly. The Sword of-

"Tierra, Tierra,"

"Wake up, Tierra, it's almost dinner time."

Tierra opened her eyes weakly. She remembered taking a nap after their watchers class. It was just a dream.

Maizy went near her, "Are you okay? You were mumbling in your sleep."

Karys and Serin looked at her, concern in their eyes.

"I'm alright..." Tierra sat up and held her forehead, a yawn escaping her mouth.

They eyed their princessly friend who clumsily crossed the room to drink a glass of water.

"W-what's wrong?"

Tierra wiped her mouth, "I had's just that...I held this sword a few days ago...and strange things started happening."

"A sword? Strange things?"

Stories unfolded, Tierra told them about her first day in the market place, about the sword, about the book of swords, and how the weapon apparently is in Salovin's possession now.

"And that vendor, he what?!" Karys stood up from the dresser chair, unable to let go of the thought.

"It's okay, Karys. I went out unscathed. What I'm really concerned about is why that sword is so mysterious," Tierra managed.

"Still, curse that vendor..." Karys was muttering under her breath.

Serin looked at them, "We'll help you, Tierra. We'll help you figure this out."

Tierra softened, "but how?"

"Th-there is a way we can kn-know about it," the girls turned to Maizy, "Th-this may sound c-crazy but have you heard of an e-emissary gem?"

"What? An emissary gem? Those are so rare, Maiz, I doubt there's even one here in Kalos," Karys argued.

"And those are illegal," Serin added.

"And c-close to d-dark magic," Maizy said, sounding resigned.

"Wait. Wait, wait, wait. On second thought, girls, I don't think it's that rare," Tierra covered her mouth upon the realization.


"Yes," Tania said, barely a whisper. Her vision starting to fog.

The girls looked at the child princess, excitement filling their veins.

"I'm so sorry, Tierra. Please don't tell, Father. I'm so smmhhhmm," Tanya burried her face on the her older sister's dress, sobbing.

"Now, now. It's fine, Tania. Look, we don't have much time, but could we actually borrow Kiefer and the pocket mirror?" Tierra said, soothing her sister with the palm of her hand.

Tania stifled, "Uhm, okay. But take care of him okay? And don't lose him. I need him back. He's special."

"Of course, of course," Tierra promised.


"Well, there goes our first impression to another princess. I feel like a robber," Karys joked.

Maizy was lagging behind as they walked back to their quarters.

"What?" Karys asked.

A lump formed in Maizy throat, " did a n-nine year old get her h-hands on a sp-spying medium?"

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