Chapter 14 ▪ Love in the Cracks

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Tierra hopped through the castle halls, humming her last song, "That you'll be home again, my love..."

She skipped towards the castle's now empty East Wing.

"I'll wait again 'cause wait I only can."

Tierra smirked, "What a dismal tune. I wonder if Mr. Lemkin could relate to the song that's why he chose me to sing it. Hmm-hmhm-hmhm-hmhm.." she went on humming.

Tierra stopped. It was the first time she saw the East Wing since her ghostly encounter. The castle cleaners did a remarkable job in turning it into new. The walls were repainted into a nice shade of brown and the vintage decors did the trick. Tierra ogled at the dainty furniture. Polished statues and paintings lined the hallways. Just then, two shadows surfaced in the corner. Tierra hid behind a column.

"Very impressive. You did a splendid job overseeing the renovation, Salovin."

"Thank you, King Talon. I couldn't think of a better way to spend the days before the academy. Besides, King Halder said I needed it as practice in leadership."

"Hold on for a second there. Tierra? Tierra, I can make out my glitter bug's singing no matter the harmony."

Tierra blushed to herself and then surrendered into view, curtsying, "Father."

King Talon and the Sephyrian prince gave her a smile.

The king turned to Salovin, "I shall see you in the morning. Don't be late for class."

"I never am," was the reply of the virile young prince. He walked towards Tierra, giving off a modest smile. Tierra nodded to him as he passed by.

The king was now walking towards her, his face softening. She suddenly felt guilty for her behavior the last time she and her father talked. He placed an arm to her shoulder and they walked towards her room, "You've got a nice voice back there," he said, as if nothing happened days ago.

"I didn't do well in practice."

"I see. How are you feeling?"

Tierra could feel her father making extra effort to appear concerned. Tierra swallowed, "Fine, I guess."

"Now, I know you haven't had enough rest from your classes and that you'll be having another set of classes tomorrow," he paused to listen to Tierra's response. When there was none, he continued, "And I don't want to see you sulking about it."

"Oh, no, no more sulking. I'm actually very much looking forward to warden studies," Tierra replied.

Her father studied her for a while, "Is that so... nonetheless, I hope you like what your handmaidens have prepared for you," and they stopped at the door of her bedroom.

Tierra looked at her father, puzzled.

He opened the door. Three ladies stumbled over each other, "Err. Uhm, S-surprise!"

"Well, you look more surprised!" the king said chuckling, "That besides, I wish you all a pleasant evening," King Talon told them and motioned Tierra to her room. He patted Tierra's back lightly before closing the door.

Inside, Lucie, Sheesa her personal tailor, and another lady was with them. Lucie started, "Princess, you're early! Well, uhm, this is Osna. Please take a seat." Tierra sat to where Lucie led.

The lady named Osna had thick black hair and bronze skin. She smiled at the confused princess.

Lucie went on, "Now if you're wondering why Osna and Sheesa are here..." Sheesa waved excitedly at Tierra. Tierra closed an eye, "We are going to give you a makeover!"

Tierra's eyes fluttered, "A what?"

"A makeover!" Sheesa chirped, thinner of the three and squeakier in voice. Tierra didn't know what to feel, surprised or anxious or both.

"It's more of a hair trim, dear. Don't worry," Osna went, her pale plump lips quivering as she spoke.

Tierra gulped. They turned her chair away from the mirror, "We'll let you see the results later. I tell you, Osna here, she does miracles!" Lucie winked.


In a few hours, Tierra has gone to being toe and fingernail painted, to eyebrow plucked - which was extra painful that she promised herself it will be the last of such makeovers - to her hair being oiled, brushed and snipped and creamed and brushed again. It was when Lucie arrived with her supper that she felt relieved it was coming to an end. Her handmaiden's jaw dropped upon entering.

"Woah... Fantastic work there, Osna!"

The lady named Osna smirked proudly to them. Sheesa cleared her throat.

"And of course, Sheesa. What do you have there? Some nail paint, eh?" which was clear and white to the tips, as Tierra made it certain not to deal with obscene colors.

Tierra was starting to get tired, her neck ached a little from sitting for an hour or so.

"There we have it. What do you think?" Osna said her hands smoothening Tierra's hair.

Sheesa stood up and gawked. She made a little clap, "Oooh! I love it!" Lucie was nodding and making assuring faces to Tierra.

"Can I see it now?" Tierra went, curious of their reactions.

"Oh , hold on. Let me just clean this up-" she tilted Tierra chin.

"Aw! Aw! Ouch!" Tierra complained when her eyebrows were plucked again. She sighed.

"Alright, there!" and they turned her chair towards the mirror.

Tierra's eyes widened. Her previously cluttered hair was now a neat pile - soft big curls fell nicely on her shoulders, showing streaks of brown and auburn. From her formerly flat top hair, now bouncy side waves that made her cheekbones more evident. Her eyebrows looked smartly arched, emphasizing her jaw line. She could not help but smile, "You're a talent, Osna."

Osna was wiping a tear with her apron. Tierra giggled at this, "Oh, and Sheesa. You did a swell job on my nails too. Thank you." Sheesa held her hand smiling.

"Don't forget me!" Lucie waved to them and stood next to the cloche she brought, "Since you had to arrive early, Princess, my treat comes late. But this will be the last for tonight and we'll allow you to rest," she smiled and lifted the lid.

Tierra could not make out which stimulated her brain first, the sight or the smell, but there was a delicious tumbleberry pie on her table with all sorts of hot sausages and buttered mashed potatoes. Fresh greens toppled on the sides. She felt a sting in her heart.

"Thank you, Lucie. Thank you, all of you, Osna and Sheesa. You made my night extra special," she sniffed and hugged her handmaids. "I loooove all of you and when I get the chance, I'll repay your kindness fourfold."


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An empty tub, crumbs on a silver platter, a room lit only by the moonlight, Tierra was already in bed. On a hook near the door hung her robe, a ghastly figure in the dark. Pulsing inside it was a book that held a mystery. A mystery Tierra felt too spineless to solve on her own.

"I must speak with Eros tomorrow," she decided, turning to her side and facing the south window, "Even if he didn't miss me."

Like three stage aunties, Tierra's handmaidens give her a pre-academy makeover. But some things still keep haunting her mind.

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