Chapter 35 ▪ The Past That Haunts

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"Karys, are you sure about these flowers-"

"Yes. You can even throw them out the window if you like. Now let's go."

This morning, the girls woke up for an early breakfast and proceeded to the castle's dome library. They were to get their books and uniforms, as instructed.

Down the hallways, Barry and Alfraedo noticed them and followed from behind. Serin sighed at this.

"Are you sure you checked it again, Maiz?" Tierra asked as they climbed down the main staircase.

"Yes. It's all b-black. Either the obs-sidian has used up its p-powers or Memphis f-found out and threw it..threw it away," Maizy said.

"How could we forget about it last night?" Tierra groaned.

"Well that's a bummer. Knowing what he does will just make us hate him more anyway," Karys said looking away.


There was already a line of people waiting in front of Miss Jenkins's counter when they arrived at the dome library. A stout lady in bright pink clothes stood at the far end, she was sorting books and instructing castle cleaners where to place the academy supplies.

"That must be Miss Yoola Hamphor," Karys whispered to them.

"Why, hello there, Tierra. How were my tumbleberry muffins?" the cheery librarian asked during their turn.

"Delightful, Miss Jenkins. Thank you for that."

Maizy could be seen smiling half heartedly.

They took their books and advanced to the library tables where their uniforms were segregated by name.

Maizy was jiggling her toes, "C-could you hold this for a s-sec, I n-need to use the wash-washroom," she said, handing her heavy books to Karys.

"Ooh found my uniform!" Serin chirped, "Be right back, Kar."

Karys adjusted her arm which was beginning to ache carrying two loads of books. She started muttering to herself, "What use are those sentinels? And what exactly do they do anyway aside from judging us all-"

Bump, Toogsh! "Ow!"

Bzzhh. Brok. Brok. Bmp. Thmp. Tumble, tumble.

"No, no, ugh..." Karys lamented.

Memphis Malone once again crossed roads with Karysta Golde.

"Ugh! Of all, can't you watch were you're going pig!"

"But..but..but it's a boar! My spirit animal is a wild boar."

"Yes, and you bore me too, now scram!" she retorted, picking up her and Maizy's books on the floor.

"Aw, here let me help you-"

"I said go away!" Karys growled as she pushed Memphis's hands to the side.

"Well, someone's in a nasty mood," the sephyrian boy said before walking away.

Serin arrived looking troubled, "Hey are you alright? Did Memphis made fun of you again?" she helped her friend gather the books.

"He just bumped into me. And didnt even say sorry. Ugh!"

"Oh, K-karys!" their braided pal rushed to the scene, "S-sorry, were they t-too heavy? Did I t-take so long?"

"It's fine, Maiz. What happened to you?"

"I'm l-lactose intolerant and I think that was a lot of f-fruit salad I ate."

"Careful, next time," Karys said jadedly as she stowed some of the books on the table.

"You know, he's right. I overheard yesterday that his spirit animal was actually a wild boar and not a pig," Serin disclosed to them.

"Oh, yes. I h-heard he was h-hunter. Their f-family living off of it in-in the outskirts of S-sephyria."

Karys paused, "But I thought his father was Head Guard?"

"Y-yes, b-before his father served the p-palace. He used to b-be a f-farm boy."

Karys grimaced, "Well, is that supposed to be his sob story? Still no reason to to piss me off all day."

"S-sorry. It's m-my fault."

"I said, it's okay, Maiz. You had to go to the washroom. But anyway, where's Tierra?"

Serin looked to her side, "She was just over....."


Tierra paced passed the stacks of books towards the end of the shelves, touching each one of them

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Tierra paced passed the stacks of books towards the end of the shelves, touching each one of them.


Something was vaguely familiar.

She was starting to tear up.

"Tierra!" her friends called, jogging to her.

"What are you doing- hey, what's wrong?" Karys held her friend's face, worry climbing her throat.

Tierra just blurted out her heart, "I dont understand why it hurts me so much...My mother...just like that...gone. And then lately it feels like there's something else missing. Like there's something I need to know further..."

"What are you talking about, Tierra?" Karys shook her head while they all comforted her.

"I actually don't know. I feel lost," and she felt tears roll down her cheek. Karys embraced her right away.

A sephyrian guard passed them by and stopped three shelves away, "Prince Salovin, a message from the king."

"Did you hear that?" Serin squeaked.

"Shhh keep your voice down," Karys warned.

Tierra ducked instinctively along with her friends. She wiped the tears in her eyes. Sweat replaced the sides of her face.

The guard soon walked away and Salovin could be seen holding his forehead, a hand leaning on one of the shelves.

"Maybe I should ask him," Tierra decided.

"Hey are you sure-"

but Tierra was already heading towards the sephyrian prince.

Keep it together, Tierra. The challenging parts haven't even started yet...

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