Chapter 26 ▪ Voices (1/2)

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"Congratulations on being number one!" Karys was singing a victory tune as she presented her handmade cupcake-cake to Tierra. It had a thick cream on top, some colorful sprinkles, bits of dark chocolate, and a candle lit on the center. Serin layered the sides with strawberry halves.

The girls were all-smiles.

"More like number two! I barely hit the apple. I think it was more like 'ten points for actually not killing your partner'!" Tierra said mimicking their preceptor's voice. They laughed.

Karys licked the icing on her fingers as she took a cupcake, "So, slumber party. What should we prepare?"

Swallowing a mouthful, Tierra almost choked to hear Karys up for it, "You look agreeable."

"Just like you said, I want to prove them wrong," their copper haired friend answered, sinking her teeth onto her snack. Serin and Maizy just exchanged delighted glances.

She went on, "I was actually thinking a while ago, that if I would die today, not that I didn't trust you, Tierra, because I did, but anything can happen, right? So I thought, that at my last breath, I should shout out something significant. I could shout a quote maybe; so that people will remember me with a legacy."

Tierra was smiling, expecting Karys to laugh, but she was serious. The princess coughed, "Like what?"

"Mmm...I didn't have time to think."

They burst into giggles and sprinkles-throwing.

Maizy peeled the wrapper from her cupcake share, "Actually, I d-don't think those m-metal arrows c-could hurt anyone."

They eyed their spectacled roommate.

"Well, I've read about s-some weapons used in t-training that are en-enchanted. You know, s-spelled, so they won't c-cause actual d-damage. That they would only look s-sharp but won't really c-cut you in any way," Maizy explained, wiping the cream off her lips.

"Could that be so? Now that's a relief." Tierra exhaled.

"I hope they'd do that the next time though. I don't think I can last in these trainings," Serin admitted, forking her strawberries, disheartened.

Karys came to the rescue, "Untrue, Serin. You had lots of hits yourself."

"On the ground, you mean."

"No-o," Karys disagreed prolonging the vowel, "Remember on the third and fourth ones, you shot the columns themselves?"

"No, those were on the trees from behind."


A sweaty looking figure appeared from their backs and started showing off a crimson apple, bits of grass stuck to its side. "Look at that deep cut," Memphis was saying, turning the apple on his hand for them to see. The cut where the arrow struck was close to brown from oxidation, "What would it look like if it was on your face?
Never mind, looks tasty," and before anyone could answer, Memphis took a juicy bite off the cut of the apple.

"Ewww!" came the reply of the girls.

"Do you actually realize that that fell on the ground?" Karys asserted, raising a hand.

Memphis continued chewing, "Apples always fall on the ground, pretty one. Just like how I fell for you," he said stroking her cheek.

Oh my gosh. You're done for. Tierra thought. Maizy and Serin cupped their mouths.

But Karys was too mad she couldn't speak. Her face turned so red, it looked like the apple on Memphis hand. Surprisingly, she just stormed out.

"Hm, wonder what scared her away," the menacing boy muttered before walking away himself, actually taking another bite from the fruit.

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