Chapter 2 • Two Kings Meet

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It was almost lunch time when Tierra got back to the castle grounds, partly guilty for munching on candy before meals. Accompanying Eros with his market purchases was worth the hours. If only she knew he was heading there in the first place, she wouldn't have gone by herself.

By herself. The swordshop. Her wound!

Tierra raised her robe a little and began walking faster. She almost bumped into a guard who was holding a crimson flag - a flag she has memorized all her life. She blinked to adjust her vision.

"Hemfry," she said to the door guard when she passed by the castle bridge, "You don't suppose these men are...?"

"They are from Sephyria, princess. Their king and his men arrived in Kalos an hour ago."

Sephyria! The last time she has seen people from the capital city of Elysia was ages ago; the city being famous for housing the Warden Academy. And their king is here! With this, Tierra brushed aside the thought about her knee graze and hurried up the flight of steps into the main hall. She stopped to a corner.

There were Sephyrian knights everywhere. Why of course, the hair! Sephyrians are known for wearing knots and ties on their hair.

Tierra pushed her hair to a ponytail as quick as she can. She managed to undress her robe where her maroon castle gown glinted in the light. Handing her robe to a puzzled guard, she bent and twirled to check if her dress was still in one piece. When it was, she pulled them a bit lower to cover her bruise. She just had to rub the soles of her boots to a carpet to loosen up the dried mud and she was ready.

Despite her painfully shy personality, Tierra decided she was determined to enter the meeting hall. She was just about to step through the door, when a knight from Sephyria blocked her way with his spear stretched out.

Surprised, she took a step back, "I'm sorry, but I don't understand."

"A confidential meeting is happening in the hall, my lady. I was advised to keep visitors at bay," was the reply of the stern-looking guard, who did not even look her in the eye.

Tierra cocked her head, "I beg your pardon, Good Sir, but I believe-"

"Let her in," came the throaty command of another Kalos castle guard, "She is our Princess Tierra, if you may. You might as well check your castle portraits from time to time, Sephyrian knight."

The guard just gulped, bowed, and apologized pitifully.

Tierra motioned for him not to worry and opened the door in haste, fearing she might miss a good royal meeting of such short notice.

"..other cities will have their own warden education and trainings. But it is final that we shall entrust our aspirants to Kalos."

King Talon was situated at the opposite side of the room with about twenty robed men seated in the long table, a blend of forest green and crimson coats. They had parchments, pens, and grape juice spread about. King Talon appeared to be looking at the table and rubbing his chin before he noticed the princessly interference, "Oh, here she is."

Everyone turned to look at Tierra, who felt her cheeks heating up.

"Come here, my glitter bug. Now, where have you been this time?"

Tierra took a bow and approached her father feeling like a toddler.

"King Halder, most august Sephyrian council, this is my daughter, Princess Tierra Lilac, daughter of the brave and handsome King of Kalos," she saw her father smiling as others gave claps and chuckles.

Tierra bobbed another curtsy to them.

King Halder, who had braids on his beard, stood up, entertained. He bent his knee to Tierra and offered to kiss her hand.

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