Chapter 26 ▪ Voices (2/2)

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Tierra was running through the hallways, her skirt a bit crumpled, her socks uneven, her hair entangled.

How could I forget about the council meeting? She groaned.

Skipping the stairs by twos, she blew a kiss to her mother's portrait on the landing and dashed for the ground floor.

Tierra felt her heart sank. The meeting has just ended. The council was emptying the meeting hall, crimson and forest green capes swung here and there. Salovin emerged from the door, speaking with a council member. Her father must have left first.

She walked more slowly, bowing and smiling a bit to the Sephyrian guests. Salovin was still speaking with the council member. Tierra eyed the meeting hall room, the door ajar; her father was no longer there alright.

"What time did they start?" The princess asked the Sephyrian knight guarding the door.

This time, the guard recognized her, "A little after lunch, your highness."

The council member Salovin was speaking with left and Tierra muttered a quick thank you to the guard before chasing after Salovin.

"Salovin!" she called, blushing now at the echo of her voice.

The prince looked back, his pendant glinting. He never parts with his necklace, Tierra thought.

Salovin neared her as she felt her heart beating faster, "Tierra." he smiled. "You weren't in the meeting."

She scratched her head, "I know. It slipped my mind. Would you fill me in with the discussions?"

The council apparently got into a debate whether to be concerned with the rumors of the savant.

"But a member pointed out that it was worth believing at this time since there might be infiltrations from other regions. You know, the wars," Salovin explained.

"The council agreed to inform other kingdoms to increase manpower to guard their perimeters and keep a watchful eye. I'm not entirely sure on what military measures will be conducted but it was said that King Halder will arrive by tomorrow for another meeting," Salovin was saying, scanning the walls with his brows furrowed, as if solving a puzzle in his mind. Tierra could only envy him of his political mindedness. And what has she been planning for? Slumber parties. She sighed.

"But they talked about the academy," Salovin said coming back to his senses and looking her in the eye, "The academy will continue here in Kalos. They agreed that they will just have to double the forces, send more troops from Sephyria to the castle."

"I see," Tierra said, trying to think of something intelligent.

"And you know, Master Gandris was there in the meeting too."

"He was?" Tierra asked, curious. "What did he say?"

"Apparently...nothing. He just sat there listening the whole time, or ever since I came in maybe," the Sephyrian prince went grim. "I asked a council member discreetly and he said Master Gandris had replaced the late Master Buffaun."

Tierra was silent. This was the first time Salovin spoke to her the longest.

"Oh sorry, I forgot you're from Kalos. Master Buffaun used to be part of the sephyrian council but got into an accident when he tried travelling south to visit his sick brother. Perhaps he fell really ill too and became bedridden. Unfortunate news, really. But they said they needed more brilliant minds, so I guess that's why they placed Master Gandris in."

"I see."

"So far that's all I got. Our classes ended a bit late and I had to clean up with the guys after, right?" Salovin sighed, searching his pockets to reveal three scrolls, "Tomorrow we will have to get copies like these about the meeting from the scribes."

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