Chapter 7 • The Kalos Dome

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The vast, almost-ancient, and only library of the city of Kalos could be found inside their own castle walls. It rose to a height of four floors, the circumference almost twice as large as the grand hall, beautifully perched in front of the West Wing.

Outside, Eros and Tierra could see their tiny reflections from the coral-stained glass windows as they walked towards its entrance. One of the two giant wooden doors was opened. They stepped into a spiraling hallway and into an archway, where the monumental dome appeared into view. Dwarfed by its building, the library counter to the right housed a petite middle-aged lady who was busy sorting out some cards.

The two paused and looked at each other. Eros nudged his princess friend to go first.

Tierra approached the lady, her footsteps echoing in the building. When she arrived, she coughed a little and then greeted, "Hello, Madame Jenkins. Good day!"

Madame Jenkins looked up from her spectacles and hung her head. Her brows crumpled, and then as if remembering, she lit up, "If it isn't the Princess of Kalos!"

Tierra was so embarrassed her usually pale cheeks flushed. She didn't expect to be recognized.

"Oh, I've read all about your mother, Princess. She has her own book, you see. You look exactly like her in her younger years. I even thought I was seeing her ghost."

No...No, ghosts. That word is taboo for today.

Tierra just managed a smile.

"Do you want her book, Princess? I have it here in my favorites section-" the lady ducked to search her shelves.

"Oh no, no," Tierra said waving a hand, remembering that it was the thought of her mother which initially triggered the vision. She needed her mind to be away from her for now, "I'm actually looking for a book about the Sword of Balfore...of Sephyria."

Madame Jenkins straightened, "Balfore, you say? I'm not sure he owns a sword, but I do have a book about him. Let me see. Oh right, at the top row. I'll have my son get that for you," the spectacled lady said, smiling, "Honeydew! Munchkins!" she called.

Eros and Tierra exchanged glances, raising their eyebrows.

From the back, a boy responded, "Yes, mother?"

"Can you hand me that pocket book about the Balfore, dear? It's in the History Section labeled Heroes," she yelled, winking at her royal visitor.

Eros was looking about, whistling.

The librarian leaned closer to Tierra, "We are closing early today, you see. The entire town must be in the tournament, as you can notice."

She was right. The castle library was absolutely deserted, except for the four of them.

Tierra had faint memories about it. But she never really liked staying in the library because she was too shy to start a conversation with others, if need be. Only something inside of her felt that she used to be dragged here to read.

The boy was back with a small book in hand. He gave it to his mother and appeared to be bored.

"Thank you, Darling. Oh by the way, can you believe that we have the Princess visiting us today?" she adjusted her glasses as she glanced over Tierra.

The boy nodded with a small smile, "Hello there."

"Sweetcake, why don't you introduce yourself?"

"Mother, the endearments," he reminded.

The librarian's son was fairer, taller, but just as spindly as Eros. If not for his oddly large glasses and overly waxed dark hair, he would have been alright, he turned to Tierra and let out a hand, "Jerille Jenkins. How do you do?"

Eros noticed this and grabbed his hand, giving a forced smile, "Fair. I'm Eros. Nice to meet you."

"I'm Tierra, as you would know. Nice to meet you, Jerille. Are you attending the Warden Academy this year?" Tierra said shaking his hand.

"Why yes, how did you know?"

"Just my guess. Eros and I are attending too."

Eros piped, "That's right. We look forward to seeing you."

There were smiles and an awkward silence.

"Well, I guess we have to be closing," his mother interrupted in chirps, "The weather today inspires me to bake some tumbleberry cookies."

Tierra felt her mouth watering, "Oh! They are my favorite!" she squealed.

"What a coincidence! They are Jerille's favorite too! I will make him send you some later."

"Mother, she lives in this castle. They can cook all the cookies they want," Jerille said rolling his eyes.

"There, there. What is an old lady's happiness but in giving," she said dismissing her son and raising a finger, "Besides, ol' madam Jenkins has a secret recipe for her cookies, you see - the ingredient is almost magic."

Jerille just scratched his arm dully.

"Oh, I'm looking forward to that! Thank you," Tierra smiled.

Madam Jenkins suddenly turned serious, she was speaking in low tones, "Before you go...that Balfore. I am not very familiar with him. But if you want to know about a sword, here's a summary of famous ones," she handed out a paperback book from under her desk.

"Mother!" Jerille protested.

"Pumpkin, I know, dear, but remember the Librarian Code #8."

"'No common book should be withheld from an interested reader.' I know, I know. But I haven't finished that book yet," he pouted.

"We'll give it back as soon as we're done," Eros said, looking stern. He cleared his throat, "Thank you for these books, Madam Jenkins. We shall return them as soon as we can."

"Yes, you have been most kind," Tierra added.

"Oh, do visit again and read some books. Remember, there is wealth in knowledge."

Tierra and Eros nodded and said their goodbyes.

Exiting the library, Tierra started, "He isn't that bad, you know."

"I don't like him."

"Everyone acts grumpy with their mothers around."

"He's immature."

The two walked towards the entrance hall and Tierra sniffed something delicious in the air, her eyes widened, "Baked muffins!"

Eros inhaled too and exhaled dreamily.

"I've got an idea. Bring this to the sanctuary bridge and I'll get ourselves some goodies," Tierra ordered.

"Oh. Right, Memma treats you more like her child than she does to me. Ask a sack of those and she wouldn't blink," the kitchen boy complained.

Tierra just giggled, "Go!" and she thrusted the book to his chest.

(photo from of the Library of Parliament)

What's your favorite pastry?
Mine's cream puff, cinnamon roll, and mango cake. Heehee nomnom!

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