▪ PART 1▪ The Rearing

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"Just do what I say, Leaf!"

"B-b-but, master!"

The doors were slammed shut as Leaf stared miserably at the history books on his arms. Another seven more to add to the pile on the table. He was supposed to read them line by line and look for clues on the person his master has been obsessively searching for.

He was fortunate. He kept reminding himself. Though short, gaunt, and four-eyed, Leaf was the smartest in his age. Rofael Lomberstone. That was his birth name. Constantly made fun of when he was younger, none of those bullies ever thought he would get to this state. But where are they now, huh? he chuckled to himself.

He was fortunate because among dozens and dozens of aspiring wardens, he was chosen to be personally trained and hopefully be the coveted apprentice of the greatest wizard in all of Elysia. But what is all of this? More book reading? No spells to learn or monsters to vanquish?

Leaf sighed as he laid the books on the massive desk. The sun was almost setting and streaks of orange hues danced in his tower room. It was getting colder by the minute. He reached for a pastry on the desserts dish and dropped some crumbs on the map half folded on the floor.

He stared at it. It's been like this for months. First, it was in Acuarios, the city of winding water canals and busy ship ports - the beautiful winter festival. Then it became Lavendros - fields the color of its spring flower festivities. Now, the master was about to travel east onto the next kingdom's summer celebrations; the one covered in miles and miles of sloping forest trees.

He took the map, unrolled it, and pinned it back to the wall beside a cushioned chair.

Kalos. That was the name of the next city.

Leaf swallowed his pastry treat before heading to the window. Far below, he could see his master sporting a dark robe, mounting over his favorite horse. He kicked its sides and went dashing away.

Who is the master really looking for? He exhaled loudly and turned around to face the books sprawled before him,
And most importantly, what is the master up to?

(picture is from pinterest)

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