I live with vampires and werewolves; did I mention they're all guys? Christmas Day Part 3

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I live with vampires and werewolves; did I mention they're all guys? Christmas Day Part 3

Marcus and Jason were older then I expected, both late twenties early thirties.

Marcus was tall, muscled and lean, with curly dark hair and brown eyes that reminded me of melted chocolate.

Jason was built the same but with spiked up ginger hair and gold werewolf eyes.

"You must be Kelly," Marcus said, a smile that send shivers down my spine spreading across his face.

"Um...yes," I goggled, "please come in."

The next hour past in a blur for me, I couldn't take my eyes off Marcus and call me stupid but I swore he likes me too. One problem, he's twelve years older then me and he's a vampire, ok that's two things. But him being a vampire could help for once, he doesn't ago, so I can catch up with him.

Then what? Growled Jeremy, I ignored him.

We were all sitting around the large dining room table and Alistair was carving the turkey, Damon was pouring the blood into glasses (for the vampires only of course). I just didn't think about what they were really drinking. Vampires didn't have to eat human food but many like too, especially when turkey, sausages and roast potatoes were involved. O ya, vampires love roast potatoes, don't ask me why, they just do, maybe it's the crunch.

"Kelly, carrots?" I jumped at the sun of his voice; I turned to see Marcus holding out the bole of orange vegetables to me.

"Yes...thank you," I blurted out, quickly taking the bole.

"Ok, why wants TURKEY?!" called Alistair, beaming.

After diner and presents I found myself alone out on the balcony from my room, leaning against the railing, gazing out at the large snow covered back garden. A full moon shone high in the clear sky, bathing the snow in silver light, making each individual snowflake sparkle like stars.

"Beautiful..." said a husky voice behind me.

I half expected Sasha to be behind me but it wasn't him; I suppose I should get used to it not being Sasha for now on.

It was Marcus; he was leaning against the door frame, his brown eyes almost black, and his face half hidden in shadow.

"May I join you...?" he said, his voice low and quiet.

"Yes, please do," I said, smiling, I felt calm for the first time all day because I was alone with him and I never wanted it to end.

"I brought you something," whispered Marcus, after he had joined me leaning against the metal railings, "I'm sorry I didn't give it to you earlier, I thought I should wait for the right moment. Now..."

"You don't even know me," I chuckled, but there was no humour in my tone.

I took the small rapped box from him and opened it slowly, my hands trembling. A small box sat on my palm. I opened it to see a silver ring with a single bright red ruby imbedded into it, spiralling engraved patterns flowed all the way around the silver band, encircling the gem.

"O Marcus..." I gasped, "It's beautiful. I love it!" I held my breath as Marcus took the box from my and slid the ring onto my middle finger of my right hand, it fit perfectly.

"I'm glad you like it," Marcus smiled, and then he leant forward and kissed the top of my head, breathing in my scent as he did, his hand rising to cup my face.

I leant into his large comforting hand, enjoying the sense of protection and love that seemed too radiated from him.

"Marcus I-"

His hand slid to my chin, pushing my face upwards so my lips could reach his.

The kiss was soft and gentle at first but it intensified as the heat rose in my chest.

"I'll see you again in ten years time," Marcus whispered, pulling away.

He vanished and I was left alone again but my spirits soared.

Why are you not upset? Whispered Jeremy in my head.

"Because I know I'll see him in ten years time," I said.

The story will continue next year!

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I live with vampires and werewolves, did I mention they're all guys? (+ Sequel)Where stories live. Discover now