Chapter 5

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(Karisma's  pov)
After Austin got ready we then left to school. I was following him to school when I suddenly felt the urge of drinking coffee. I stopped my bike and called austin.
"Sup Ris"
"Hey I'm just gonna go to Starbucks real quick and get coffee alright"
"Yeah sure meet you in school"
" alright bye"
I then drove to Starbucks. After I got my drink I drove off too school. This is it the day I go back to that hell whole and make Derrick and Natalie's life miserable just like they did to me 2 years ago.

As I was getting closer I decided to make an entrance. I saw this little hill so I drove as fast as I could towards it. When I was mid air I pushed all my weight and did a backflip with the motorcycle. I then landed on the floor and drove to a parking space and parked my bike. By now everyone was cheering and whistling. Since I had a helmet on everyone that I was a guy. The girls were looking at me with lustful eyes and the guys were looking at me with jealousy. Ew Wait till the girls see I'm not a guy Hahahah they'll be so Disappointed. I took off my helmet and shook my hair. Everyone gasped and by now the girls eyes quickly changed to a glare and the guys were staring at me with lustful eyes. I just smirked hopped off my bike and went to the office to grab my schedule. By now everyone was talking about me I heard some whispers like
"Dam she's hot", "I'd tap that", "she's not even that hot", " who does she think she is", " man the things I'd do to her " but I just ignored them all and continued waking to the office. When I found it I entered and told the women my information she handed me my schedule and locker combo. I made my way to my locker and grabbed my stuff I would need for math. I didn't want to be early so I just walked around the campus. As I was walking I bumped into a hard figure. Uh see karisma what you do for not paying attention to where your walking to.
"Oomph sorry I wasn't seeing where I was going"
"It's cool no harm done so are you lost"
"Excuse me" I ask confused
" are you lost cause classes are that way"
"Oh no I just didn't want to go to class early so I went for a walk"
" oh well are you new here cause I would recognize a pretty face like yours if you weren't"
"Haha guilty" I answered
"Haha so what's your name I'm Josh Josh Green"
"Nice to meet you Josh green I'm Karisma Ryder but you can call me Ris "
"Well Ris tell me something about you"
"Hmm well I was bullied for being fat and ugly what about you"
" well I was bullied for being gay what am I talking about I'm still being bullied but I just ignore it you know"
" yea I understands what you mean but hey your my friend now so if anyone messes with you they mess with me"
"Hahha thanks so ..besties?"
"Besties" I answer and we shake hands and hug"
" so Joshy anyone special in your life"
" no not really what about you"
" well there was until something happened and I will never forgive him for what he did"
" what did he do if you don't mind me asking" after he said that I thought you know what fuck it he is my new best friend and he has been thru tough times like me so he deserves to know. I know I said that I wouldn't trust anyone else but something in him told me that I could trust him so that's what I'm doing I'm going to listen to my heart and trust him.
" no I don't mind I'll tell you my story"
After I told him everything he had pity in his eyes.
" hey you don't have to look at me like that I'm fine but I'm here for my revenge" I smirked
" ooo can. I help" he smirked
"Of course bestie"I laughed. We stayed in silent until his face came to realization as if he just figured something out.
" wait a minute you said your last name was Ryder right?"
"So you're  Austin Ryder's  sister and the David and Ashely Ryder's daughter"?
" the one and only" I giggled. And let me tell you this is the first time I have ever giggle or laughed or smiled with a person other than my auntie and it felt nice. Josh then looked at me in awe.
" so your parents lied in the magazine you were never at a vacation but with your auntie and they didn't even know."
"Yep that's how pathetic those people are"
"Well I'm on team Karisma I hate that Derrick guy for what he did to you I will be the best best friend you've ever had not like that dick head Derrick."
" aw thanks Joshy"
"Your welcome boo but hey we are really late we should head to class"
" true but who do you have"
" I have English what about you"
" Uh I have math but hey call me Ris in front of others alright don't want to let them know who I am just yet am I right" I. Said with a wink.
" yeah but see you later babe my class is that way bye"
" alright bye Joshy"i said. As I made my way to math class I found it. When I was standing out side the door I was about to open until I heard yelling.
"All right old yeller as If I care"
Uh oh great mr. Dickhead is in this class. But then I heard another voice that I hate just as much as mr. Dickheads.
" well mr. Chavez if he has detention then I do to because he is my best friend and we stick together no matter what"said that slut of a bitch Natalie haha see what I did there ,no okay.

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