Chapter 24

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Karisma pov -

With all the courage I could find in me I spoke softly
" hello"
As I stared into there shocked eyes I grew uncomfortable.
Until they finally spoke.

" k-Karisma ?" , I didn't know what to say so I slowly shook my head.

" hello Scarlett " I spoke softly. We just stood there in an awkward silence until she finally broke it.

" oh um I'm sorry please come in !" She stepped aside as I walked in. We made our way to the living room and sat down.

" so how have you been? " she asked me curiously.

" I've been good, how's b-Blake?" She looked at me as if I had grown 2 heads. All I could see was disbelief in her eyes.

" he's been doing good actually " she spoke uncertain.

" he's at the park actually right now, Derrick took him and Mel I didn't want to tag along so I stayed home." We stayed silent. Either of us not knowing what to say.

" so what have you been doing these past couple of years ?" She asked with a bit of sarcasm in her voice.

I was about to answer her when I heard the door open then close. I could hear footsteps making there way into the living room. My back was facing the entrance so when they entered they could only see the back of my head.

Tears began to pool at the corner of my eyes when I heard my baby's voice. " hey Mom we're home!, who's she ?"

I couldn't move I was frozen in place. I felt as if my heart was going to break when I heard him call her mom.

I looked at Scarlett and her face showed a boring expression. She looked as if she could care less about the situation taking in place.

She was about to answer Jett when the one voice that could make me shiver in pleasure spoke.

" hey honey we're home!" He said from the kitchen I'm guessing.

" In the living room honey ! " while all of this was happening it's as if my mind went blank. I was scared, scared of how Jett would react, scared of what derrick would say, but mostly I was scared of getting rejected.

I stood up slowly and so did Scarlett. I still had my back facing Blake and I could feel his intense stare. Seconds later you could hear Derrick walking in.

" Oh there you ar- who's this ? " I turned around slowly with tears in my eyes but I didn't dare to let them fall.

As I fully turned around I saw there faces turned into a shocked expression. Derrick looked as if he just saw someone get ran over by a car. And Jett had an expressionless face. I couldn't tell what he was feeling.

I breathed in and walked closer to try and touch Blake but his next move crushed me completely. As I tried to reach out to touch him he took a step back. He looked as if he wanted nothing to do with me.

I looked at him shocked yet sadness was written all over my face. I glanced at derricks face and he looked angry yet confused?

" Blake " I said softly afraid that if I said anything wrong he would leave. He stood there just staring at me as if i was just some random lady he didn't know.

I was about to speak again when Derrick beat me to it." What are you doing here ?!" I looked at him in disbelief as if what he just said was darn stupid. Which it was!

" I'm here to see my son ! " I looked at Blake but he just looked at me as if I was nothing to him. " Blake " I tried again.

I walked closer but again he took a step back. " can you leave ?! Please " he said and it broke me completely.

" Jett I'm your mother. Please I love yo- " I was cut off by Blake. " you're not my mom, she is " he said pointing at Scarlett. " and she loves me very much unlike you. Because you left me and she didn't!"

" please Jett if you let me expl- "
" I think you should leave Karisma!" Spoke Derrick with so much hatred. I looked at him with tears in my eyes.

" please Derrick if you would just let me explain!"
" there is nothing to hear Karisma ! Just go we don't want you here. We were doing just fine without you! I think it's best if you leave us alone and never come back. Jett has done just fine without you." He said with so much authority.

I looked at Blake as tears started falling this time. I tired one more time all though I know he won't hear me out." Blake ? Baby, my little bunny." When he heard me say his nickname i always called him he looked at me with tears in his eyes.

" please talk to me baby.!" I said. I couldn't stand the silence he was giving me anymore. He turned his head fully and gave me his full attention.

And with as much venom in his voice he said " I hate you ! Because you broke your promise. You are not my mom , you're dead to me!" Then he ran upstairs to his room.

Tears fell from my eyes. My breathe was caught in my throat. I felt as if I was going to be sick. I wanted to die at that moment. I looked at Derrick to see him looking at me with guilt and disbelief.

I didn't know what to do. I was broken. " Karisma I think it's best if you go" he said while sighing. I looked at him then grabbed my coat and put it on.

We walked to the front door and as I opened it I turned to look at Derrick.

" Ricky if you would just let me explain. "

" Explain what ? Explain that you left your child and didn't come back for 4 years and 5 months. Huh is that what you want to explain."

" derrick I didn't have a choice, please just hear me out.!"

" NO you hear me out! Do you know how hard it was, hearing my son call for his mom asking where she was and when she was coming back. Hearing him cry at night thinking that his mom abandoned him because she didn't love him! And what now you come back after all these years like nothing happened. You left Karisma you left and you didn't come back ! You didn't even try to contact Blake while you were gone ! So I think it's best if you just stay away ! "

" please Derrick I want to talk to Blake to explain to him everything. And explain to you too because I love you ! " I blurted out by accident.

He looked at me in shock but as soon as it came it was gone.

" it's too late for that, just go Karisma " he said and then shut the door in my face. I just stood there, heart broken and lonely.

The man that I love hates me and my own son hates me. I felt broken. I felt dead. I truly did lose everything.

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