Chapter 13

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Karisma pov
It's been 2 weeks and I haven't heard anything from Derek I guess he really didn't love me. I thought that he would at least try to come and see me or Call and text me but I guess I really didn't mean any thing to him. I'm 3 weeks pregnant and all I've been doing is eating I'm craving so much. I didn't go to school these past 2 weeks cause I don't want to I'm scared that I'll run into Derek. But then again he hasn't tried to contact me. I've gained weight from all the eating so now I have to wear sweats and over sized sweaters. Uh well now I have to go to school. I've been talking to my sister a lot I told her I was pregnant and she supports me but I haven't told austin he just thinks I'm gaining weight. Ugh and my parents no way in hell am I going to tell them I mean I haven't even spoken to them for these past months for crying out loud. As I was walking to my class room I saw Derek laughing and talking to his friends across the hall. Josh knows I'm pregnant and he knows about the whole Derek and Natalie thing. Josh came up to me.
" hey babe"
"Hey boo"
" aw babe don't be sad it makes me want to be sad"
" I just can't help it I mean look at him over there all happy and shit you know he hasn't tried to contact me not once not once Josh !"
" screw him just don't stress babe it will be bad for the (baby)" he whispered.
" yea your right but hey um I have to go to class see you later"
"Yea definitely "
We said our goodbyes and parted our separate ways. I was walking to class when I bumped into someone.
"Oomph sorry"
I said as I looked up but I hated who I saw.
"Oh hey Derek ... Can we talk"
" there's nothing to talk about"
"Yes there is Derek what do you mean"
" just back off okay stay away from me and leave me alone "
What he said next killed me completely
" we're over!"
" wha-a-t Derek what do you mean over"
" look okay do I say this ugh! Natalie's pregnant and I'm the father okay so I have responsibilities as a father so we can't be together"
was what I wanted to say so badly but instead I ran away as a coward. I was so heart broken. I got in my Camaro cause I can't use my motorcycle for the safety of my baby. Oh how cliche it started to rain. So since I'm crying I guess the weather feels my pain because it's crying with me. I didn't even know where I was going I was just driving as fast as I could to get away from that school. My eyes were sore,big, and red from crying so much. My eyes were getting watery so I wiped them away with my sleeve I look up and see a big truck heading towards me I turn my car and my wheels slip cause of all the water. all I remember is seeing my car upside down. My vision was getting blurry and I could hear people screaming. The last thing I remember was the ambulance coming and  the smell of smoke.

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