Chapter 27

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" Derrick !" I said as I stared into his shocked eyes.i grew nervous as he didn't say anything.

" is all of that true ?" I stared at him as if he just grew three heads. Is all of that true ?! Of course it is. What? does he think that I'm just going to be spitting lies out of my mouth.

" would you look at the time I got to go " but before I could get past him he grabbed my arm and pulled me against his chest. REALLY close may I add.

I got lost in his blue eyes that I couldn't look away. They surely are so beautiful.

" answer me kar is all of that that you just said true." I snapped out of my daze and pulled my self away from him a little.

" of course it's true! What you think I'm lying ?! You think I'm that low? " I couldn't believe him he thinks I'm that terrible that I would lie about all I just said.

" no ! No of course not I just... I don't know what to believe anymore." I looked at him confused.

" what do you mean you don't know what to believe anymore? "

" well after the 5 months were over Scarlett told me that you called her to tell her that you weren't coming home anymore. That you just said you would be away for 5 months but In reality that was your way of getting rid of Jett. She said that you told her that you never lo- o-ved him. And that you were finding out a way to get rid of him so you just left him with me. " tears were in his eyes and I bet You that tears were falling out of mines.

I turned around having trouble to believe that she would do something like that. I was confused. I knew she was evil but not to the point where she would frame me.

I turned around to face Derrick and he was all ready staring at me.

" I hope that you believe me and I hope that you and Scarlett have a wonderful life and please I just ask you this one favor. Please! Take care of Jett now that I won't be able to be there with him I just hope that he gets all that love that he needs."

I was leaving until I felt him grab my arm again and spun me around to come face to face with him.

" you're not going anywhere!" And with that he smashed his lips with mine and kissed me with so much intense. I replied instantly by wrapping my arms around his neck to close any gaps between us. The kissed turned to a passionate kiss and we kissed each other like there was no tomorrow. I kissed him like I was afraid he would disappear and I would wake up and this would all be a dream.

We pulled away to catch our breath. I still had tears in my eyes and so did he. As I looked into his eyes I couldn't help but laugh. Laugh because I never once saw him cry. He would always brag about how he never cried and that crying was only for baby's.

" what's so funny ??" He chuckled. I shook my head and just stared at him. He surely did get even more gorgeous from the last time I saw him. He started wiping away my tears with his fingers and then pressed his hand against my cheek. I leaned into his touch as it gave me warmth.

" I missed you " he said. I looked at him and he smiled a little. I was about to reply until I was brought back to reality.

I pushed him away from me as if he burned my skin and pulled myself together.

" what's wrong?" He asked confused.

" what's wrong? What's wrong is this. We just kissed! You're married Derrick. M. A. R. R. I. E. D. To the women you lov- "

" don't you dare finish that sentence. I don't love Scarlett I love you ! But you left me for Alessandro so I tired to make you jealous so you could see that you made a mistake in rejecting me. "

I just stared at him. I love him I really do but he is married should I take the risk. Do I want to be the mistress. No ! I can't do this to Scarlett. Although she's a evil sneaky bitch no one deserves heartbreak.

" Derrick I love you but Scarlett doesn't deserve this. She looks as if she really loves you and I - "

" we're getting a divorce ." My eyes widened as he said that sentence.

" what?"

" me and Scarlett are getting a divorce. It was suppose to have happened 2 months ago but some problems a cured. "

" oh " yeah that's all that came out of my mouth I had no idea what to say. Should I be happy should I be sad for him what should I be !!

" that's all you have to say " oh " " he said with an amused smile playing against his lips. Gosh I wanna kiss those lips again so bad.

" well why don't you ?"

" huh ? "

" why don't you kiss these lips again . " he said making a pouty face. Awh he looked so adorable!!  I laughed and shook my head as my cheeks flushed red.

" did I really say that out loud?" He chuckled and shook his head up and down.

" I'm confused Derrick "

" about what ?" He said as he furrowed his eyebrows

" about what to listen to my heart wants to be with you no matter what but my brain tells me that this is wrong you are married still right now. "

" if you love me kar listen to your heart because your heart is always right." I love you kar and I am sorry for everything. For dumping you for not being there for you. For bullying you in high school. I am deeply sorry and I would do anything to get you back. "

" I love you too Derrick and if being with you is what makes me happy then I would take that risk. But I have one question. " this was it I was finally going to ask that question I was dying to know the answer to.

" what is it ?"

" why did you cheat on me with Natalie when We were still dating "

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