Chapter 28

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He stared at me confused as if he didn't know what I was talking about.

" what do you mean cheated on you with Natalie ?"

" Don't act like you don't know what I'm talking about Derrick." I said. He was really starting to get me annoyed. Can't he just tell me why he cheated when I though we were happy in our relationship.

" I never cheated on you with Natalie " he stated. I looked to see if there was any sign of him lying but he was dead serious.

" But the day you told me not to stop by your house I thought you were sick so I was bringing you soup. I saw a car I didn't recognize so I went to enter your house but all the doors were locked so I grabbed the spare key and when I entered I heard.." I couldn't say it, it was too humiliating too repeat. But I had to.

" I heard Natalie, she was moaning your name out. I could hear you guys doing it in your room." I stared at his face to see any expression of guilt. But there wasn't any.

" Like I said I NEVER cheated on you with Natalie. " I was confused who was it that I heard her with then? I felt like my head was spinning. I didn't know what to think.

" but ... but I heard her and I .." he cut me off before I could continue. " did you see us ?" He said with a serious face. And now that I think about it I didn't see them I just heard Natalie's voice.

" No " I said feeling ashamed. Ashamed that I just assumed something that probably wasn't even true.

" Look the reason that I didn't want you to come to my house was because I was going to plan a really special date for us and I wanted it to be a surprise."

" Okay so you didn't cheat but that doesn't explain why you didn't talk to me for 2 weeks and plus you broke up with me in the most horrible way. So if Natalie said she was pregnant with YOUR baby that has to mean that you guys had sex right or else how would it have been yours. "

" Yes we had sex but I was drunk that day it was a mistake so when she told me she was pregnant I thought maybe we didn't use protection and it was mine. But listen the day I was planning the date she came and told me she was pregnant that caught me off guard."

" I was so stressed and pissed that I yelled at her to get out and I told her I was happy with you. I had to release my stress so I was leaving to go to the gym. I told her that by the time i came back I didn't want her at my house so I left. And I guess when I left she didn't leave. I honestly have no idea how she did what you heard but she probably saw you coming and planned it out. But I promise you that I never cheated on you.!"

I looked at him and I could see in his eyes that he was telling the truth. I didn't know what to say so I didn't say Anything.

I got on my tip toes and grabbed him by the neck and smashed my lips against his. He immediately responded by wrapping his arms around my waist and pulled me closer. I know this wrong but I loved him too much to care.

We pulled apart and stared at each with so much love in our eyes. He rested his forehead against mine  while I closed my eyes and enjoyed his company.

He wrapped me in a hug and I rested my head against his chest hearing his heartbeat. His heart was pounding really fast and I bet that mines was too.

" what about Blake he hates me " I said scared of thinking he'll never forgive me.

" He'll understand. Once he hears the reason why you couldn't be with him he'll understand. He said calmly.

I really hope he does.

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