Chapter 9

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{Derrick pov}
All day I tried taking to karisma but she wouldn't listen. I tried so hard to tell her the truth but luck wasn't on my side today. I just want to see that beautiful smile of hers and hear her laugh again. The things I'd do just to be able to talk to her again.

It's all Natalie's fault I hate that bitch more than anything in this world. Okay so here's the story back in 9th grade I was so excited to start high school with my best friend Karisma. I was waiting for her when Natalie came up to me.
Where is she?
" hey Derrick "*
" oh hey Natalie "
" who are you waiting for?"*
" I'm waiting for my best friend kar"
"Uh I hate that bitch why are you even friends with her"*

When she called her a bitch I lost it that got me mad.

"Don't call her a bitch if anyone's a BITCH HERE YOU ARE!!"
" now now Derrick talk to me like that again and I promise you that I will make her life miserable and get your mom and dad fired from there jobs. I can have my daddy contact people to ruin your parents life's."*
" okay fine I won't talk to you like that but please just leave us alone"
" I'll leave her alone but on one condition"*
" dump her make her hate you despise you wish she never met you in front of everyone then tell her that me and you are best friends and we will be best friends until I say so."*
" what no your crazy I won't do that to her I- I - l l love her."
"What are you telling me that you have feelings for that pig!"*
" yes and I'm planning on telling her when she gets here"
" oh no you aren't cause if you don't do what I told you to do with just one click of a button on my phone I'll have my people make your parents live in hell with no jobs a lot of bills to pay no money and become homeless."*
" so are you in or out"*

What the fuck do I do !!!! Like this fucking girl is crazy I can't do that to kar it will break her heart and I won't be able to Stand seeing her broken. I can't say I hate her cause truth is I love her.
" Fine I'm in but leave my parents and kar alone after this scene don't ever bother her again. "
" okay bestie as you wish!"
This bitch. kar is my bestie and one love not Natalie and never will be Natalie "
{end of flash back}
Ever since that day I have been depressed but I hide it with a happy mask on. I became more depressed when I found out that Karisma left because of me. But Natalie was happy. I would have stopped being her friend but she still has my parents in threat. And now that Karisma is back nothing and no one is stoping me from confessing my feelings and telling her the truth behind all this mess.

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