Chapter 33

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" I love you too mom " he pulled out his sleeve and wiped my tears. I laughed and hugged him again happy that I got my son back.

~Karisma Pov~
After Blake and I talked we went out for ice cream and I asked a couple of questions trying to catch up with my son. It was really fun, there were no awkward moments thank god. I learned so much, turns out his favorite tv show is still the flash, his favorite food is pizza, he loves rocky road ice cream, he enjoys skateboarding.

Those were just the basics, I learned way more information. We headed to the fair, played games then called it a day because he still had school. I was currently in my apartment cooking spaghetti when I got a call from Derrick.

" Hey, so how'd it go ?" I immediately knew what he was talking about and got excited.

" Oh my gosh Derrick it went sooo well, better than I expected! ", I put the stove on low temperature and sat on the couch.

" Thats amazing babe, you should have seen him when you dropped him off he wouldn't stop talking about all the fun things you guys did." I laughed and couldn't stop smiling.

" I'm just glad I finally got my son back " I sighed and headed to the kitchen. I turned off the fire and let the spaghetti cool down.

" What's wrong are you okay ? " I stayed silent, getting a headache I tried massaging my forehead to ease the pain.

Saying the one word that is stopping me from having the family I want I couldn't help but get tears in my eyes.

" Scarlett." He sighed knowing that she was a problem in our lives right now. " What are we going to do ? " I whispered.

" We will get through this I can promise you that, I love you and only you, you are the only woman that I have ever loved more than anything in this life, more than my own life. And I won't let anything or anyone get in the way of being with the woman I love. I won't let her destroy my chances of having my family together. So please don't let this get to you sweetheart because I will make sure that we can be together as a family." Tears ran slowly down my face. Sniffing I wiped my eyes and smiled.

" I love you so much Derrick that it hurts. I trust you more than anything and I know that we could get through this together." I heard noise in the background, as if someone was running.

" is that mom !? " Yes it i- .." " HEY MOM ! " I couldn't help but grin at the sound of his voice.
" Heyyy how's my little bunny " he groaned and I laughed.

" Moooommm I'm not a baby anymore. ",
" Yes I know, how was school? " he talked about all he did and what he learned it made me happy knowing that he was enjoying school.


I walked to my car opened my trunk and dumped all my groceries inside. As I closed the trunk I spotted Scarlett across the parking lot. She turned her head and spotted me, smirking she closed her car door and walked my way.

" Well if it isn't Karisma, how's life ? " I glared at her knowing exactly what she was doing.
" You know dam well how my life is going, what do you want." Popping a cigarette out she lit it up and puffed out some air.

She gasped " What on earth makes you think I want something?" Putting a hand across her heart being the dramatic bitch she is.

" Cut the act Scarlett!" Keeping that smirk on her face she stepped closer, " you really wanna know what I want ? " glaring she laughed.

Her face went to a frown quickly and she glared at me with so much hatred. We stayed there glaring at each other and it felt like ages.

" I want you to stay the hell away from Derrick." She hissed coldly. I laughed at the absurd comment she made.

" Derrick doesn't love you. Get that through your thick skull Scarlett. Just sign the divorce papers and leave us alone." She stared at me for a while. Crossing her arms she sighed. A laugh slipped through her mouth.

" You really don't get it huh? I will never sign those papers. I love him! And he loved me BUT you decided to come in and RUIN EVERYTHING! If it wasn't for you he wouldn't have stopped loving me. And it kills me to know that he is married to me but behind my back he is sleeping with you ! Like the dirty slut that you a-" slapping her across the face she held her cheek and smirked.

" I promise you that if I can't have Derrick then no one can. Not even you !" She walked to her car and drove away.

Pulling my hair back I got in my car and hit the wheel. Becoming frustrated I couldn't help but wonder if Derrick and I could ever have a future. Scarlett was crazy and I know that she would do anything to keep us apart. But I'm not going down without a fight. If she was going to play with fire then Im going to make sure that she gets burned.

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