Chapter 25

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Karisma pov

It's been 1 month since I last saw Blake. Now don't get me wrong I do try and see him. But when I went for 3 weeks straight he would either run back inside and hide. Or he would call derrick and we would just stand outside and argue about me wanting to talk to Blake.

I haven't gone back because I know my little bunny would just call Derrick and we would argue as always.

Lately I don't feel like arguing. It's as if my body has gone weak. I feel like I've been depressed these past couple of days. And it's wearing me out.

I don't want to eat. I barely even speak. I'm always tired and just want to go to sleep. I feel like my body just wants to give up and rest.

All I want to do is just lay down in my bed and never wake up. I mean what's the point in life. My life is over. I lost everything. I lost my world, the man that I love, but most importantly I lost my son.

Nothing is worse for a mother than to know that her own child hates her. It is the worst torture that any mother could receive.

Right now I am heading to the doctors. Because as much as I just want to give up on life I can't. Because there is one thing holding me back, well make that two. Blake and Derrick.

I was waiting in the waiting room when a nurse came and called me in.

I stood up and followed her to a room where I would wait for the doctor. As I was waiting I couldn't help but think about what has happened in my life. To me and Derrick finally being together and happy , to being dumped by Derrick and then having Jett , to losing my memory and meeting ale, to losing ale and loosing my son.

I couldn't control the tears that rolled down my eyes. As I was wiping them with a tissue the doctor came in.

I finally came out of the doctors office after being in there for two fricken hours. I was walking to my car when I got a call. I hit the call button to answer.

" hello?" , as I was waiting for a response I pulled out my keys to open my car.

" yes may I please speak to Aubree Russo ?" I tried to recognize the women's voice but it didn't click.

" speaking " I said rubbing my head as I got a huge headache.

" hi Aubree this Is Julie from Ryder's  industries  I just wanted to inform you that the smiths Photographs have been submitted and they are very pleased with the work you had done." I sighed and got in my car.

" thank you Julie for informing me. But I would like you to know that I won't be at work for a couple of days because of some conditions. So please tell Andrew to take care of things while I'm out of the company. "

" will do ma'am, please take care bye ". I started the engine and drove home.

I opened the door and stepped inside. As I was heading to my room I felt my self grow dizzy. I was about to fall so I held my self up with the wall. The whole room was spinning and I could see black dots everywhere.

I stood up and ran to the bathroom. I lifted the toilet seat and let everything in me out. I washed my face and brushed my teeth. I looked at my self in the mirror and noticed how horrible I looked.

There were bags under my eyes. My face looked pale. I looked more thinner. My hair was a mess. And my eyes were red from lack of sleep.

I walked to my room and changed clothes. I stood up and went to the kitchen.

As I opened the fridge I decided to make myself something to eat.  I made my self lasagna and set up the table.

I took a seat but I couldn't eat. I wasn't hungry but for some reason I wanted to make something to eat. I wrapped the lasagna in foil and stuck it in the fridge.

I didn't know what to do so I stood up pulled on a hoodie and went to the one place I haven't visited in a long time.

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