Chapter 35

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"Hey beautiful."

"Derrick she took our son she took Blake !"

"Wait what who What are you talking about?! Who took Blake?"

"Linda! Derrick she pretended to be Blake's mother!"

"Who's Linda Karisma what do you mean took him?!"

"She used her middle name that bitch took him!"

"Honey you aren't making any sense who's Linda?"

"Scarlett! She Took him. Scarlett Linda Hale!"

(Karismas pov)

I was driving like a maniac, I couldn't think straight the only thing on my mind was one person, Blake. Where could he be? Why did she take him? This is probably my 100th time coming to Scarlett's apartment building and every time I show up they tell me the same dam thing. "I'm sorry ma'am, but Misses Hale isn't here."

1 month , 1 dam month and I haven't heard anything from her. She hasn't tried to contact us, the police is doing a very poor job on finding her. I can't just sit around and wonder what the hell shes doing to my son. I just hope she hasn't laid a single hand on him because if I find out she has I will kill her myself.

"Please tell me you have something!"

"I'm sorry ma'am we are doing everything we can."

"My son is missing! It's been 1 dam month and you still have nothing! This is ridiculous,"

"I understand what you are going thro-"

"Don't you dare! You have no idea what I'm going through. My son is in the hands of some crazy psychopath, I can't eat I can't sleep I have so much on my mind and you think you understand what I'm going through, hmph"

Sitting in my car I could only stare at Blake's bag I had packed. That day was supposed to go perfect. I had it all planned out. Derrick and I had talked about taking Blake to a 3 week vacation to Hawaii. It was supposed to be our first family vacation since we got back together. I was going to pick him up and tell him the good news.

But she took that day away, she ripped it out of my hands in seconds. If only I could go back in time. I would've never taken Blake too school. I would've kept him at home where I could protect him from that women! That bastard is going to pay.

(Scarlett's pov)

"When are you finally going to call her? It's been a month."

"That bitch deserve to wait. I want her to rot, to feel broken, I want her to lose her mind!"

"She's taken everything away from me! She took the love of my life! Now I'm taking everything from her little by little."

"I mean to be fair Derrick was hers first."

"SHUT UP! SHUT UP!! Don't you ever say that again!!! He is mine! You hear me! MINE!"

"Okay but what areeee you going to do with the kid?"

"I've made a few calls, I'm going to take him to a small unknown orphanage that's very fair where she would never be able to find him and leave him there. He'll grow up thinking his family abandoned him. He'll be alone just like her!"

"But the kids smart he may be 9 but I'm pretty sure he knows his way around. It's not like the kid is 5"

"Not if you manipulate and play with his mind."

I know the little bastard is smart. But one thing children can't stand is thinking that their mother and father hate them. I will make sure he believes whatever I want him to believe. Walking down the basement I couldn't feel anymore prouder of myself. Soon I will be happy again. I'll have the love of my life by my side and no one would separate us again. It will only be us, my Derrick.

"Please take me back to my mom. I want my mom" tears were spilling out of his eyes and I couldn't help but smirk.

"Now why would I do that?" He rubbed his eyes and winced.

"Please I want my mom and dad take me back!"

"I'm sorry but they don't want you, you're parents don't love you. In fact they were the ones who told me to take you with me because they wanted nothing to do with you."

"That's not true! You're lying, you're a liar!" I gritted my teeth and sighed.

"I wish I were lying, but it's true. You're mom has been trying to get rid of you all this time. She planned it all, she would take you to school tell me to pick you up so that she wouldn't see your little face ever again. You're a mistake in her life, she never wanted you! You were an accident that was never supposed to be born!!" I chuckled, enjoying this by every minute.

"Don't even get me started on your father. He's an amazing man and there's only room in his heart for him to love one person, and that person is me. You are nothing to him. He finds you pathetic and annoying, he wanted me to do this! Yes. That's right he wanted me to do this. He only wants me, me! Only me!" Tears were trailing down his face. Seeing him cry was a jackpot. Soon I'll break him and then my plan will go to success. I guess it's time to call a certain person.

(Karismas pov)

"Mr and Mrs. Walker we've assigned a detective to help you with you're son, he is one of the best and will do everything he can to make sure your son comes back to you safe and sound"

"He better! my fiancée and I have been waiting a whole month. You guys should have hired him ages ago! I want my son to come back to us my fiancée can barely eat or sleep, she needs to know our son is safe! We want our son home!" I wrap my arm around Derrick to try and calm him down. We sit there and wait for the detective to show up. He better be good at his job because all I want is for Blake to be in my arms safe and sound.

"Ah Detective Wilson you're finally here."

"Sorry I'm late the traffic was horrible. My dearest apologies" I freeze, that voice? Why do I recognize that voice? No! It can't be can it? I turn around and there he is, standing right in front of me. Tears form in my eyes as we make eye contact. Shock is written all over his faces as if he also recognized me. It's been so long, he looks more mature and handsome, I forgot how much I missed him.

"Ka-karisma? Is that you ?" We both run towards each other, I wrap my arms around him and cry I felt like I cried so much that I had run out of tears. As we pull apart I look at his face. I can't believe he's here.

" I missed you so much gosh it's been years!"

"I missed you too Josh, you haven't changed a bit! And what's with your surname? Wilson?"

"Ah yes well you see I'm married now, we used his last name. Never was a big fan of mine, can you imagine Detective Green yuck! I chuckled it felt so good to see him after all these years. We used to talk on the phone all the time after high school but slowly lost contact. I missed him and wondered what had happened to him after all these years. It felt good to see an old friend after such a long time.

"And I promise you Karisma, we will find Blake"

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