Chapter 34

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But I'm not going down without a fight. If she was going to play with fire then I'm going to make sure that she gets burned.

( Karismas pov )

"Hi I'm here to pick up Blake"

"Okay whats his last name ?"

"Blake Ryder"

"Oh it looks like he's already been checked out"

"Checked out?! By who ?"

"His mother."

"How is that possible if I'm his mother ?!"

~24 hours ago ~

"Wake up Blake time to eat breakfast"

"I don't want to" turning his head to face the wall he pulled the blanket over his face.

"Come on its Sunday there's so much to do plus your dad is picking you up at 9pm because you have school tomorrow"

He peeked his head out and sat up. "Why can't I just stay here today !"

"Jett you know you can't your dad drops you off to school."

His face lit up as if he came up with an idea. "Why don't you just drop me off to school? Please mom please!" Staring at him I began to laugh.

"I'm fine with that but your going to have to ask your dad." He jumped off the bed and ran down the stairs. I followed close behind him seeing what he was up to. He grabbed the house phone and brought it to me.

"Can you put in his number?"

"You don't know your dads number?" I raised an eyebrow. He gave me a toothy grin."I forgot it" laughing I dialed Derricks number and handed the phone back to him.

"Hey dad! Can I sleep at moms today so that she can drop me off at school tomorrow?"
"Yeah! And can she pick me up to ? Okay ! ... No - wait yes Mom has an extra pair of my uniform in her closet"
"Okay thanks bye! .... Daaddd I'm not a baby !, ughh I love you too.. bye!"

"So what did your dad say?" I couldn't help but say with a laugh.

"He said yes ! Can we eat pancakes now?"

"Yes we can let's go to the kitchen."

Heading to the kitchen I made us pancakes eggs and bacon. We ate at the dining table and joked around a bit. After we finished Blake showered and changed, as did I, then we headed to the store to do a little shopping.

We stopped by Walmart first because I needed to buy detergent to do my laundry.

"Mom can I go check out the toys?"

"No Blake stay here with me I don't want you getting lost."

"It's just on the other aisle ! Please ?"He pouted.

"Okay, but don't go to far." He nodded and ran to the toys section.

Spotting the detergent I wanted I aimed to grab it. As my hand landed on it another hand landed on top of mine. Pulling my hand back quick I lifted my head up to see who's hand it belonged to.

A good looking man who seemed around my age was staring at me. He had dark brown eyes and light brown hair. He was around 5'11 and looked fit.

He gave me a small grin. For some unknown reason I felt very uncomfortable near him. He had an odd vibe to him. Not wanting to seem rude I gave him a small smile and grabbed the detergent as quick as I could. I wanted to get out of that aisle quickly.

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