23- Past Horrors

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Please note: Long sentences or paragraphs in this chapter that is in italics will be flashbacks.

Warning: This chapter deals briefly with rape and attempted rape.


"I am an Alpha's daughter." I told the mirror in front of me.

"What?" Arden spoke from behind. I swirled around and cursed myself for not paying more attention to the sounds around me.

"I-I was say-" But Arden cut me off.

"I knew that you had the aura of a former high ranking member but it was very faint so I assumed that it was probably a Gamma or a Beta, but an Alpha?" Arden asked me wide eyed.

I sighed and then thought about how some things were better told unplanned. I walked over to where he was and sat cross legged in front of him, I knew that at some point I would have to tell him about the devil who roamed my dreams.

"My father used to be the Alpha of the Night Rise Pack." I started and he looked at me with shock, he was about to say something but I stopped him.
"Let me complete the story first, you'll understand everything." He nodded.

"When my mother was pregnant with me there was a huge increase in the number of rogue attacks in our pack and we knew they weren't random because they knew every pathway to the pack house and every safe room.

It was a lot like the attack that happened in this pack and in that attack my father was weakened and a majority of our pack members were injured, including my mother who was hospitalised since she was extremely close to her due date.

After a little digging around we got to know that the mole was none other than my fathers best friend and his trusted Beta, Lincoln Dale." I said bitterly.

"He had teamed up with the rogues, killed my father in his weak state and captured my heavily pregnant mother only for power. The death of my father was a huge shock on my mother but since she was not his true mate she was able to cope with it better and then a few days after he attack she went into labour and I was born in a dungeon with only the pack doctor there after a lot of pleading from my mothers side.

I was born into an era of darkness. Those cold walls of the dungeon were what I thought was my home. They used to provide us with food, water in plenty and I never understood why. It would have been so much better if they had just killed us off.

Those days my mother used to tell me stories and trace the alphabets on my arms and legs and teach me a few words like that. She used to sing to me every night before I went to sleep but that was before Lincoln Dale started to use her." I choked back a sob and his hands reached out to mine.

"Bring her to the other cell." The bad guard told the other one. I saw the bad Alpha, no, mother told me to call him the devil, not Alpha. My daddy was the Alpha.

The devil walked into the corridor and gave us a sinister smile.

"Hello Rosemarie." He smirked and my mother pushed me behind her body. "I will be needing your mother today, I had a rather bad day today and I need to relieve my stress." He unlocked the cell and pulled my mother out and into the cell opposite to the one we usually lived in.

The guards were sent out and the screams from my mother echoed off the walls.

"My five year old self didn't know what's going on, all she knew was that her mother was getting hurt. I sat in the corner of my cell watching my mother get raped by a cruel man.

He would repeat it-" I choked and let out a sniffle, "He would repeat this everyday and everyday my mother would come next to me and cry but sing me a sweet song without a fail.

Somewhere around the time when I turned six years old my mother passed away because of all the torture she was given and I was left alone, but I was glad she could escape the pain finally, even if it had to be in death."

I got up and walked to the window looking at the dark sky outside, closing my eyes at the memories that I was once again recalling, living.

"Everyday the Devil came to me and spoke to me for an hour, explaining what he was going to do to me. He would scar me a little and leave me till the next day when those horrid marks faded away. At first he couldn't kill me because he was sure that my mother would kill herself before he could get her pregnant, but now he saw another use in me. He wanted to get me pregnant." Arden roared and I flinched at the intensity of the sound. He picked up a lamp and sent it flying across the room. I inched toward his and wrapped my arms around his body, holding him close. When his breathing calmed down he said, "Continue, I'm fine."

I nodded my head a little and started, "Everyday I spoke to myself, I narrated all that I thought about to the walls and sang songs that my mother taught me. He was waiting and I knew that with my thirteenth birthday something horrible would happen to me, and that's when Drolaain Blake entered my broken past.

He acknowledged me as the Alpha and promised me that he would rescue me, he did not disappoint. After a few frequent visits he was suddenly appointed as my guard and I was surprised because they had never been changed.

The Devil wanted to rape me and impregenate me, and he thought that he was old enough to have a few children so he wanted me to carry them while I was still a child.

On the eve of my thirteenth birthday I heard the door open, and as I stood petrified next to the wall I saw that it was Drolaain."

I looked at Arden whose utmost attention was on the story of my horrid past. His breathing was heavy and his beautiful grey eyes black.

"He saved me, and I ran but he couldn't save himself. I had freshly acquired my wolf but since she knew that there was danger she pushed herself to her full capacity. I was attached by a rogue but I saved myself and just as I was about to lose consciousness and my body was about to give up, I met James."

The two of us sat silently for a long time, saying nothing but feeling everything. Arden and I hadn't started the mating process, but he could feel strong emotions.

He pulled me close to his body and rested his chin on my head and that's how we sat for a pretty long time.


Another chapter gone and I can feel something arriving. I don't know what is it yet, but I guess we'll know soon enough.

Chapter dedication to AditiMenonn for being a wonderful person and awesome supporter <3

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