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Justin's POV:

I leave the studio feeling good about my upcoming album, Purpose.I take a drag from my cigarette and I instantly feel relaxed.

I still need to talk to Aidriana about the tour but it seems like she doesn't want anything to do with me.I get in my car and check my phone before I start driving.

I'm scrolling through my Instagram when I get a call from an unknown number , I just hope my number didn't get leaked. I answer anyway.

J - "Hello?"

Caller- "Hey Biebs its Lia."

J- "You know its your fault she won't talk to me right, the fuck do you want."

L- "Oh please . Did you know that Aid is on a date."

J- "Yeah she put it on fucking Instagram ."

L- " Well you need to go get her before she does something stupid."

J- "Look Lia, I'm a pretty confident guy; I'm sure she's just having a petty date with some random so I'll get jealous."

L- "Its not some random guy.Its Brandon."

J- "Seriously that asshole you told me about ?"

L- "Yes, now hurry up and go get her.He took her to Avalon."

J- "How did he get in there, its only for A-Listers and ballers."

L- "Brandon is a baller.His dad owns the club."

J- " Well shit.I'm on my way there now."

L- "Ill meet you out there."

(Short chapter but Thankyou guys for the 1k!Comment and Vote)

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