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Aidrianna's POV:
Kendall and I walk out of the bathroom and up to the table where Justin is too distracted to notice our presence. "Is that my phone?!" I whisper yell at him and he immediately slides it back across the table to me.I am furious but it seems like he is too. "Somebody texted you." And that's all he says. I check my recent messages to see that Aubrey texted me:
Aub❤️: Wanna go out tonight, you can tell me all about your shoot?
Justin or Casper or whomever else with my damn phone  texted back with :
Aid: Um...we shouldn't be together anymore.
There is a whole conversation in my phone that I wasn't apart of that pisses me off the more I read.
Aub❤️: What's wrong, where is this coming from ??❓❓
Aid: Just leave me the hell alone
Aub❤️: Is this because Bieber is back in town?🤔
Aid: Yes, I'm sorry 😐

I pushed my phone back across the table to him, Kendall looking over his shoulder in disbelief.
"What the hell Justin?"
He just combs his hair and stands up.
"Oh , what you're leaving now?"
"Shut up."
"Excuse me I'll have you know th-"
"Excuse us Ken.Come on."
I'm confused as hell. He drags me out of the main dining area to an empty hallway and immediately pushes me up against the wall smashing his lips onto mine. After about five minutes and another minute of heavily breathing and staring at each other he breaks the silence, "I wanted; well want you back and I'm sick of watching other people take what's mine."
I smirk ,"You know you can't own people Justin.And by the way I've never officially been yours to begin with."
He backs away from me but keeps his hands on my arms.
"Well, the gag is ; your heart was mine, even for a blink of an eye; I still had you.Lets be clear on that even though you keep trying to give your heart away to strangers like a damn charity and I keep making excuses for giving pieces of me away, you still have my heart. I tried to talk to you after all that Lia bullshit; which nothing happened by the way; and you never listened because you intend on being so fucking stubborn.
Everyone doesn't want to leave you."

I pause , and raise my hand to smack him but I just let it fall back to my side and slide down the wall onto the floor.
He looks back at me with his eyes glossed over , wipes my lipstick away from his lips and walks away, leaving me in the hallway by myself.
I make my way back into the bathroom to clean myself up. I stare into the mirror at my red eyes and practice the fake smile I'd gotten so perfect lately.
I straighten my dress and walk pass the table where Justin and Kendall are sitting, walking out of the building and into the car, not caring that I left my phone at the table.
I lay my head on the steering wheel and break out into sobs. I can only think of one person to talk to at this moment.


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