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Adriana's POV:
I sit across from my ex roommate,also the person that I've haven't spoken to in months.I start to speak but she does before I do.
"I'm pregnant."
I sit back in surprise,please don't tell me it's Jus- ,"I know what you're thinking and no, it's not his because we never did anything.I would also like to say that I'm sorry and I miss  having my best friend.Im also sorry for being such a jealous bitch all the time and seducing your boyfriends.Im better now,I swear.I even met someone,obviously," she laughs and points to her stomach that I'm just now noticing.Shes getting big.

I put a hand on top of hers over the table and said ," I forgive you.Damn I missed you too."
We get up and hug each other.
I sit back down and the look at the girl before me, she's glowing.
"How does being pregnant feel?And who's this guy you met?"
She smiles,"It's a pain in the ass.Im ready for him/her to come out already.And he's good.His name is Andrew and he is so fine girl, I can't even explain.You have to come over to my new place and meet him. Ma loves him."
"And how is she doing?"
"They got rid of the last of the cancer,or they say.Shes been asking about you, wondering when her other daughter is gonna come and see her.Javi has been looking out for you too, I tried to tell him he's too young for you but you know how he is.Sorry I'm rambling."
"It's fine ," I say and wipe a tear out of my eye."I wanna hear everything."
And so she told me.After about two hours of sitting there laughing and catching up , she makes a serious face.
"How are you and Justin doing, if you don't mind me asking."
"I saw him yesterday and .."
I proceeded to tell her what happened at the cafe.
"I know."
"What are you gonna do?"
"I have no idea, every time we see each other we get mad, I think it's toxic ."
"Yeah but I can tell you want to be with him or you wouldn't give him the time of day and I can tell he wants to be with you because he's persistent and losing his mind if you ask me.Just call him tomorrow and meet up,probably somewhere with no witnesses to see you guys yell back and forth." She checks her phone ."I have to get home to Andrew but call me so we can meet up tomorrow ."
We hug and she leaves, me taking her advice and dialing his number.
It ring three times and he picks up. "Yeah?"
"Well hello to you too Bieber."
"Did you finally listen to me."
"Actually I'm calling you on advice from Lia."
"You guys are friends still."
"I forgave her."
"But not me."
"That's why I was calling.I have another shoot tomorrow and I was wondering if you wanted to stop by and we could talk afterwards."
"Aight.Did she tell you we didn't do anything?"
"Yeah, but I believed you when you said it yesterday."
"You know that's all I wanted."
"We are supposed to be having this conversation tomorrow.Its late I'll text you the address and the time of the shoot.Goodnight Mr.Bieber."
"Goodnight Ms. Wells."
I end the call and put my phone down cheesing like a little girl.

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