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IM BACK BITCHES!!! Here's another chapter and I'm almost done with the next one so y'all wont have to wait long . Ok bye 👋🏾

(Ok y'all I lied . We are gonna have more than two chapters . I am gonna be wrapping this up soon I just wanna set the plot of so that the sequel makes sense. Which you guys should be happy about)

Aid's POV :

Seeing Lia's little family in the hospital gives me hope for my future. Her little girl ,Angelia, is so tiny and beautiful.Andrew is in love , crying every time she does as much as smile.
"Look you can't be crying more than me ."
Lia says with a smile.
I'm just standing against the wall in the hospital room .
Her mom comes back in the room with coffees and a cup of ice cubes for Lia.
"Thanks ma."
She nods and kisses Lia on her forehead.
"I'm so proud of you . You did so good in there hija."
"She gets her strength from you ." I say, the first time I've spoken in the last hour since she's given birth. I was in the room when she gave birth so I could record because Andrew almost had an anxiety attack at the thought of having to watch the gruesome yet beautiful thing that is childbirth.

I take time and go down the hall when they aren't paying attention and go to the front desk of the maternity ward. There is an older woman sitting at the desk and she smiles as I walk up.

"Hi , how may I help you dear?"
"Do you guys do pregnancy tests in this ward? Or do I have to make an appointment?"
"Oh don't worry about that hun. I'm sure we can get one of our nurses to administer a test on you . Just go sit in the waiting area for a few minutes and we'll be right with you." She says as I give her all of my information.
I nod my head and go and sit in the waiting area . After ten minutes of my foot bouncing up and down I see a nurse come from the back with a clipboard.

"Adrianna Wells?"
I stand up and follow her through the doors and into a little room .
" You think you're pregnant?"She asks , tapping her pen against her clipboard.
"Um yeah. I took a pregnancy test at home and it said I was ."
She nods her head and writes something down on the clipboard.
"Ok and have you missed any of your periods?"
I nod , " Yes. This month's and last month's ."
"Alright I'm gonna have you pee in this cup for me ok? I will test it and be able to tell you if you are or not afterwards."
I take the cup and head to the bathroom across the hall.

Once I'm finished I wash my hands and walk back into the room where the nurse is waiting for me . I hand her the cup and sit back down as she takes it and disappears down the hall.

I pull my phone out as I wait and see missed calls and texts from Justin and my father .
I decide to call Justin back first .
"Hey Aid where are you ? I went by your apartment earlier and you weren't there."
"I'm at the hospital with Lia."
"What happened? Are you guys ok?"
"Yeah we're fine . She just gave birth."
There was a silence .
"That's crazy , I guess it makes sense she would make that mistake."
What the hell?
"What do you mean by mistake?"
"I mean , I can't imagine myself having a kid right now. That would be the worst possible timing. We should probably start using condoms again. Don't want that happening to us."
I can't believe this is happening.
"So What would you do if I got pregnant?"
"I mean you would most likely have to have an abortion. I can't have a kid this point in my career. That would be suicide .But we don't have to worry about any of that right now."
A tear falls from my eye. I can't listen to this anymore.Especially while I'm still waiting on my results.
" Ok Justin I have to go ."

I hang up before he can say anything else.
I don't even feel like calling my dad back right now. I'll just wait until after I get the results. That's all that matters to me right now.
I spend the next five minutes on edge, thinking about Justin's words.

If I am pregnant, then I guess I will just have to raise my baby on my own. I couldn't even think to get an abortion, especially not after what happened 4 years ago . I can't go through that again.
The nurse walks back in, distracting me from my thoughts.
"So from your records I see that four years ago you miscarried."
I close my eyes and nod. Thanks for reminding me about the worst thing that ever happened to me.

" Well your tests came back and you are pregnant. Congratulations."
I didn't know I was holding my breath until I let it all out.

" Would you like to hear about your options?"
I shake my head. "I'm keeping my baby."
" Ok so I'm going to set you up with one of our doctors to give you regular check ups and prescribe you some prenatal vitamins."
I nod . "This time 6 1/2 months from now you will be a mother."
I smile . "Ok thank you.Will I be getting a call about the appointment?"
"Yes. About a week from now you will have your first ultrasound and the doctor will make sure everything is ok and that the baby is healthy.You won't have to worry about anything .He's really good."

We wrap up and I go back to Lia's room where everybody in the room is asleep except for her and the baby.
" Were you able to take the test?"
I nod and smile.
"Ok so ...?Tell me if I'm going to be a godmother or not?"
"Yeah . I'm 2 1/2 months ."
She makes a squeaking noise and smiles really big.
"We're moms . How did this happen?"
I shake my head and laugh.
" I don't know. Look at us a year ago and us now."
"It's crazy. Have you told Justin?"
I shake my head as I remember what he'd said earlier.
" I don't think he's ready to settle down yet. I think it's finally time to move on."

"What do you mean? So you're not gonna tell him?"
I shake my head .
"He made very clear on the phone earlier that a baby would be the worst thing that could happen to us right now and that if he was to get me pregnant, I would have to get an abortion. I don't think I wanna bring a child in this world around that."
"You're not getting an abortion though are you?"
"No. I want my baby. I will just have to raise him or her by myself .I can do it ."
"I'm so sorry that you have to go through this Aid.Just promise me you won't go back to Brandon."
Brandon.I haven't seen him in months.
"I can't make any promises Lia. You know that."
"You know that's gonna break Justin's heart ."
"I have to think about myself and my baby right now . I can't be worried about men ."

"I really do hope everything works out for you Aid.You know my family is your family and we will always be here for you."

I sigh , " I know ."

Now I just have to figure out how I'm going to leave Justin.Why does it have to be this hard ? I don't even know how I would even do it. What would I say?
"I'm gonna go home and rest. I'll come back tomorrow." I tell Lia. She smiles.
" Ok I was about to fall asleep anyway . Who knew pushing a baby out would be this tiring?"
"Literally everyone Lia. Go to sleep."
I leave the room and head back to my apartment .

Once I get home I call my dad back , hoping it wasn't late in Chicago .
"Hello daughter of mine ."
"Hey daddy."
" I was just calling to see when you were gonna come and see me next."
" I'll actually be coming home sooner than you think. I can't wait to see you and Sienna . I miss you guys and I have some news."
"That's great sweetheart. We'll be waiting and I know your sister is excited to see you too."

"Alright I'll see you soon daddy.Love you."
"Love you too baby girl."

I hang up the phone and sigh.That's actually great. I can have some time to figure out what I'm gonna do about this Justin situation.

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