20. Let the games begin

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"Are you kidding me? You've really gone and done it now haven't you?" Katie exclaims, plopping onto her white leather couch.

"What? It's harmless, nothing's going to happen," I shrug, watching as Katie rests her feet on my lap, "what is that?" I ask as I examine the several cuts on Katie's foot. She immediately pulls back her feet, covering them with her blanket.

"It's nothing. You were saying?"

"Katie are you cutting again?" she looks away and sighs, before turning back to face me.

"No," her eyes began to water, tears on the verge of spilling. "Now carry on,"


"I said. Carry. On." she says through gritted teeth, visually fighting back the tears. Depression. It's a horrible, horrible thing. Depression finds every bit of happiness and takes it away. Of course, I don't know this. But Katie does. I know what you're thinking, why IS there a British person in an American school. She moved here at 14, depressed and broken. Of course, it took her a while for her to tell me so. She soon got happier and instead of finding school a drag, she found it as a distraction. But whenever she was on the verge of a breakdown, but needed something to put her mind off of it. She'd say 'Carry on'. It was her way of telling me she would be okay for the time being.

"I don't think I'll fall in love though. He's attractive and all-"

"SEE! YOU THINK HE'S ATTRACTIVE! Oh Lord, I don't need my best friend getting her heartbroken again,"

"I won't. Jesus Christ, we've known each other for ages. Nothing will happen. Not now, not ever," No matter how much I don't like that.

Teasing is an art. No matter how unattractive you may think you are (trust me, you're gorge), teasing will always help you get a long way with your crush. Whether you want to go far or not, your victim will, so you must always have self control. You know, if it begins to get too heated. But you also need to make sure that you've made an effect, if you're doing to a guy, you can tell, if it's a girl, its not that easy. But whatever you do, do not, I repeat, do not, do this to your best friend. He/She may not have the response you want them to have.

But hey, if I want to win this bet, i have to pull out all my tricks. Even if it means breaking my own rules.

"So what film we watching?" I ask, sitting on Luke's lap whilst leaning my head against his shoulder.

"I don't know..." he shrugs, looking down at me. He looked like he was in deep thought, as if he was contemplating his whole life right there. It was as if he saw something in me, like he was staring deep into my soul and suddenly knew everything about Coral, about why my father really left, and about Katie. I had to snap him out of it, quick. If he really was figuring something out about me that I hadn't told him, this friendship would crash and burn. So I did what any rational person would do. I kiss his neck. Normal right?


"Shhhh," I whisper, running my hand up and down his arm, leaving trails of kisses from his jaw line and brushing my lips against his. I straddle him, my eyes never leaving his, leaning closer towards him. He closes the gap between us, his soft lips against mine as he grips my waist, grinding me against him. I pull away, breathing heavily as I rest my hands on his shoulders.

"I don't say this enough but.... I'm grateful that you're in my life," I start, "you've taught me so many things, how to get myself out of trouble, how to be more and confident with myself. And how to play with people...." I smirk, leaning into his ear,

"Exactly like I just played you,"

"Dude, Luke is pissed," Liam chuckles as we settle down on the school field.

"So what? He knows it's only a game," I shrug, taking a bite out of my nutella sandwich.

"It's a dangerous game you're playing Libs, one which will end up with you hurt," Joe says, running a hand through his hair.

"Yeah. If you both fall out, it will destroy this whole friendship group," Katie frowns, continuing to nibble on her rabbit food, (literally a piece of lettuce and a tomato was her lunch). I sigh, running a hand through my hair as I think about the possible outcomes of this bet. We could both be publically humiliated at the same time. Or one of us could be, meaning that the friendship that went on for years, would be over because of a stupid bet.

And I can't let that happen.

"Hey Libby, can I talk to you," Justin runs to catch up to me, grabbing me by the forearm.

"I have a lesson,"

"It won't take a while. I just wanted to say good luck. You know Luke's past and you know how he is. He can't stay commited. Don't get in too deep or you'll be left heartbroken,"

"Luke wouldn't do that. And besides, I should say the same to you," I smirk, crossing my arms over my chest.

"What do you mean?"

"Oh, you haven't seen the video? Don't worry, I'll show you," I beam, fishing my phone out of my bag. I get up the video of Sasha kissing some random guy at the party and watch as his face falls. "Don't get in too deep or you'll be left heartbroken," I repeat his words, the smirk plastered on my face never faltering.

"You won't last long with Luke. Trust me," he spits before storming off, screaming Sasha's name. I shrug and skip towards my next lesson. Yes, I'm going to act like his words didn't have an effect on me because momma didn't raise no pansy who overthinks everything.

I'm kidding.

That's exactly what momma did.

Justin's words replay in my head, echoing each time. The thought of Luke with another girl sickens me, it makes me feel horrid. Luke and I have gotten closer. I know things that I never knew before, and him going off with another girl will make it seem like he just threw it all away. All the new information revealed, all the emotions shared. All gone. It didn't mean anything. And all it takes is an underdressed girl at a party and Luke will be all over her.

No, I may not be dating him. No, I am not falling for him. But I guaruntee you this. If he left me for another girl, I would be so fucking heartbroken.

"This seriously needs to stop," I panic, pacing my bedroom as Luke settles down on my bed.

"What the bet? Babe, it only just started," Luke smiles, playing with the watch on his wrist.

"Dude, this will not end well. Years of friendship will be thrown away in a matter of seconds," I exclaim, throwing my arms into the air. Luke gets up and walks towards me, causing me to walk back as he inches closer and closer.

"So you're chickening out?" he whispers, his arms over my head trapping me, his eyes on my lips.

"No I jus-"

"Good," he smirks before pressing his lips onto mine, putting one arm down to hold onto my waist. He trails kisses from my jaw to neck, definitely making his mark with a hickey. He stops, his eyes traveling from my lips to my eyes, his lips parting slightly. "You may have learnt about how to play with people..." he starts.

"But please remember this. You clearly haven't paid much attention to realise that I just played you too,"

Sorry for updating so late! In the UK it's 59 minutes past midnight, so technically I posted on a Sunday but whatever.

Tell me what you think!


Shoutout to crazy-nerd100 for being supportive and reading my story!

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Kayla :)

Psst... Psssssst. Hey, its Katie here, and the author has currently been working on the first 4 chapters of my story. (Early, I know) Anyways, if this message gets 15 comments the summary for the story will be released.

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