26. Coral

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This never happens. Ever. Me and my mom sitting down for a serious talk. We normally just say our hellos and our goodbyes and that's it. But not this. Because this is serious. This is about Coral.

"I'm scared," I whisper as I stare into the oblivion, trying to blink away the tears, "I don't want her to come back she'll ruin everything,"

"Between you and Luke?" my mom queries, staring at me.

"Yeah. I mean, I haven't fallen in love with the guy you know, but I still love him. We have this strong connection that she's guaranteed to break,"

"You can't talk like that-"

"She already took away dad, then Luke and what's next? My life? She's going to take my life?" my mom sighs before putting a hand on my thigh.

"You can't stop Coral from returning. She's made her decision to come back and if you don't like that then tough. Some people actually want her back,"

"Yeah, the people who don't know what she did behind closed doors,"

"And the people who don't know why she left because of what you did behind closed doors," she shakes her head before getting up, "Tell Luke before she does," I swallow the lump in my throat and grab my duffle bag and car keys.

She doesn't know the full story...

"We have to practise for dance today. I'll tell him then,"


Dance isn't just an a art. Or a sport. It takes years to develop the ability to do so. Sometimes it comes naturally, sometimes you have to learn. It's clear dance is meant for Luke. The way he moves around the space freely, forgetting his macho man reputation and actually doing something he enjoys. Or at least I think he enjoys it.

He grips my waist as he lifts me into the air, turning around slowly as he puts me down, his face inches from mine. "You're so beautiful," he whispers, his hands still on my waist. I wrap my arms around his neck, my lips brushing against his. "And I don't think you know this but I love you. And before you say anything, you haven't won the bet. But I love you. I do," (A/N SHE DID WIN HE'S LYING! THIS AN WAS FOR THOSE WHO WILL GET CONFUSED)

"I love you too," I whisper, smiling against his lips.

"Then kiss me," so I did. We kissed for a while and it felt great. The way he tangled his hand in my hair, his other hand holding up my leg as he pushed me against the wall. I pulled away to take a breath, his hot minty breath fanned against my face.


"Dude," he breathes, letting go of me and sitting down on one of the benches, beckoning me to sit beside him. He runs a hand through his hair and lets out a frustrated groan, one hand resting on my thigh.

"You okay?" I query, resting a hand on his shoulder.

"Coral messaged me this morning," he beams, looking straight ahead.


"Oh. Cool,"


"She was so stoked to be coming back. Like, as soon as I told her about our bet and our dare, she could not stop laughing,"


"Just hearing her laugh made me happy and made me realise how much I miss her,"


"We have so much catching up to do,"

"FOR GOD'S SAKE SHUT UP!" I scream, raking both hands through my hair. "SHUT UP!"

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