32. Confessions

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Coral lies dead on the floor as Luke stares at me as if I was the prettiest thing in the world. He walks closer and closer towards me, my breath hitching as he grips my waist. "I'm yours. And only yours," he smirks, leaning in an-

"WAKE YOUR ARSE UP!" Katie grabs a pillow and hits me with it as I attempt to crawl out of bed.

"Ow Kati- Stop! I swear- KATIE! GAH!"  Katie continues to hit me repeatedly as I breathlessly scramble onto my feet. "Thats- Enoug-" she hits me in the face before throwing a towel at me.

"Shower. You stink," I pull a face before taking a hot shower and pulling on Justin's jersey. Staring at myself in the mirror, I tug and pull it, trying to make it look good or make it comfortable.

"You'd look good in it if you didnt look so bloody depressed," Katie snorts.

"I should be wearing Luke's jersey. But I'm not," my voice barely comes out as a whisper as a tear falls down my cheek.

"But Luke-"

"I DON'T CARE WHAT LUKE DID, I NEED HIM!" I shout, my fingers trembling, "but I can't have him. He hurt me too much,"

"You can. Nothing is stopping you,"

"BUT I HATE HIM!" I can't breathe, "I HATE HIM," I'm on my knees, "He held my small, fragile heart in his hands... And he just crushed it," Yet I'm here. Crying over him.

"Then wait. Wait for him to give you a reason to place that fragile heart in his hands again. Wait for him to prove that he will love you like you've never been loved before. And if he can do that," Katie puts a hand on my shoulder, "then you've got yourself a keeper,"

Luke's POV
"Katie!" I run towards her, Libby slowly walking away towards the field.

"What?" she spits with pure venom, her lips pursed and her arms crossed on her chest.

"Damn. Uh, anyways. Are you going to that meetup between Brindlewood and our team?" If we won tonight, we were facing Brindlewood in this big ass professional stadium. You know, since Brindlewood has the money to arrange that, anywhoo, two days before the game, team going against each other meet up and you know... Trashtalk.

"If we win tonight, then yeah,"

"Ok, make sure Libby doesn't come," I say, catching Katie's hand that was clearly ready to slap me. "I have a plan to get her back and if she turns up she'll find out," I finish, realising her hand.

Katie clears her throat and brushes herself off, "Fine, but it better be a good plan or I'll slit your throat," she struts away from me and I let out a sigh of relief. She was co-operating. But for now Phase one was done. And I know had to do Phase two.

Confess my love for Libby Alanis.

I've never been more afraid in my life. I don't do these types of things. Ever. I don't fall in love, nor do I get into a relationship with someone, even if it's a date. But I have to. If I want to make at least some things right, I have to do this.

I clear my throat before waiting for the crowd to silence themselves. They all stare at me, including Libby. She's wearing Justin's jersey. When she should be wearing mine.

"As you all already know. Libby and I were dared to go out for three months. And it lasted two. We then made a bet to see who would fall in love with each other first," I look at her, "and I lost. I'm in love with Libby Alanis. I'm in love with her smile, I'm in love with her hair, I'm in love with everything that makes her, her. I know this isn't enough to win her back but. I thought you guys should know," the crowd is in total silence.

"Can we get on with the game now?" a voice says.

"SHUT YOUR WHORE MOUTH, THIS IS A BIG MOMENT FOR HIM!" Katie shouts at the petite girl who scowls and sits down. I look at Libby and she avoids eye contact, playing with the jersey.

I'll get you back Libby. I will.

This was so short I know, I'll post again on Tuesday. I'm going back to London on Monday so I can't post.

IT'S MY BIRTHDAY!!!! I'M SO GASSED! (It's slang for happy or Idk how to explain, Google it)

Shoutout to MaryLu_Schmid she posted a really nice message on my page that made my day.


Next chapter is the last chapter before the Epilogue. Aw, I know. Then the sequel is out in November. But I have written another book that I may publish, but I need your advice. So I'll post the description for it after the Epilogue.

Thank you so much for reading!

I haven't proof read it, (I'm exhausted) so sorry for any mistakes.

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Kayla :)

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