chapter 6: Children Surrender

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Ugh!!! Why are alarm clocks so ANNOYING?!?!?!?!?!?

Wait, 7:45?!?!?!!?

 I'M GONNA BE LATE FOR SCHOOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm lucky I'm already dressed in some clothes. they arnt the clothes I had on when my little "episode" happened. No one saw me in this, and I didnt toss and turn last night. So my hair is still brushed out and clean. But my makeup is smeared down my face. I clean it up and fix it. I put on my glasses, and I'm done. But it's now...

7:57?!?!?!?! I'M REALLY GONNA BE LATE!!!!!!

I run out the door and get in my truck as quick as I can, and gladly my book-bag is still in my truck. I drive to school but I drive as fast as I possibly can!

I pull into the parking lot and I'm actually on time. I thought I was gonna screw this up again. WHOO!

I get my stuff, turn off my truck, and get out. I'm careful to not listen to music again... yet.

I walk fast to my locker, and put my book-bag in it, then take my binder into class and sit down. I don't want to be in this class, the girl that hurt me yesterday is in this class, and its science class. 

*GULP* glass, books, scissors, and hard ass tables. If she does shit to me in this class, I can't do anything. I forgot the pencil sharpener is next to me, too. Yup, I'm screwed. She gets up, but I don't see where she goes. 

"Look everybody. It's the weakest BITCH in the whole school. Emily McClown."

I hear her yell it, right behind me. "Shut up." I say back. 

"BITCH! WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU TALKING TO?!?! GO TO HELL YOU STUPID BITCH!!!" she screams, grabbing my hair, and pulling me back. I fell back in my set and the back of my head, hits the table behind me. Luckily it didn't hurt as bad as I though. But it still does hurt like a bitch.

I hear the teacher trying to stop her from almost killing me, but nothing works. She pulls me by my hair again, and drags me to the front of the room. In front of the whole class. I grab her hand, and using my long nails, I squeeze them into her hand. She lets go, and I start running towards her. But she moves, and I go into the other table behind her. I can't even stand up, and I roll around in complete pain and agony.

She gets a glass beaker, and stands over me. She slams it on the floor next to me, but I roll out the way to get as far away from it as possible. She grabs a broken piece of glass, and presses it on my neck. I grab her arm, but I'm to weak to do damage. She was about to cut my neck, but thankfully, another teacher comes and lifts her away from me. 2 more teachers come over to me, and help me to my feet. But because of hitting my head on the table, I wobble, and I'm unable to walk on my own. I feel dizzy, and keep tripping over my feet.

The two teachers put my arms around their necks, and they helped me to the nurse.

She did some inspections on me, to make sure I was ok. And I was, but I was still dizzy. She sent one of the teachers to get my binder and my book-bag, and the other teacher left and continued what he was doing before.

She let me rest a bit on a small bed, and she called my mom to tell her what happened. I heard her say that if I feel any better before the end of the day, I can go back to class. But if I don't feel any better, my mom will need to get me. and take me home early.

By about the end of 9th period, I felt better, so the nurse sent me to 10th period, because I needed to put my book-bag back in my locker. And it'll be 10th period by the time I do.

I walk into 10th period and give my nurse's pass to the teacher.

I'm lucky that I sit near cool people in class. I sit in between 2 of the craziest boys in the whole school. Anthony, and Drake. And as soon as I sit down, They are already asking me questions about 1st period.

"I heard what happened in 1st period. Are you ok?" Anthony asks.

"Yeah. I'll be fine. Thanks for asking." I reply. We get through class, but Drake sees something. And questions me bout it. 

"Who's Andy?"

I look at him confused, who and what the hell is he talking about?

"Uhh, what?" I remark.

"Your hand. It's someone's number. It says Andy. Is he your boyfriend?"

SHIT! I forgot to wash off his number. I already saved it and I don't want stalkers writing the number from my hand and call him. Andy would never speak to me again.

"Uh, my new neighbor. And no. He's just my friend. He gave me his number yesterday because he has to call me in the morning so I can take him to school. He is actually still in 6th grade, and I take him to school. His parents are already at work by the time he even wakes up. I do it cause I'm nice."

That has to be the longest lie I've ever said at once. But oh well, no one would believe me if I said it was Andy Biersack from Black Veil Brides.

"Oh ok. Cool." He says. The bell rings and I go up to the teacher after class. Mrs. Winters was the one teacher that is so nice and I can trust her with anything.

(we are talking face to face btw)

me: Hey Mrs. Winters.

her: Oh hi Emily."

me: Can I talk to you about something?

her: Sure. Whats on your mind?

me: Well, this morning, some girl came up to me in class and starting beating me with anything she could. And I don't feel safe here anymore.

her: Oh no. That was you? I saw someone being taken to the nurse with 2 more teachers this morning. I dodn't think it was you. Are you alright?

me: Yeah. I'm fine. But what do I do?

her: To be honest, I really don't know. I'll talk to the princible today and I'll tell her this. Hopefully she'l have a good option to do. I'm here for you though.

me: I know. Thank you Mrs. Winters.

her: No problem, Emily. Have a good night.

As she said that, I knew I was going to be taken care of. One way or another.

I get my things from my locker, and go to my truck. I get in and close the door.


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