chapter 33: Slow Down

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(still EMILY'S POV)

I look deep into his eyes, and I can tell he means this. I flash back to every moment we ever had. From when we met, to our first kiss, to us being separated. Then when he left for tour and broke my heart for the first time. But I forgave him. And he did it again. I didn't know what to think at that point. I felt happy when I was with him, and he made me feel like a special person.

Every moment we had together, runs back into my brain. I remember most beautiful and great moments, because we love each other very much. He loves me, and I love him.

The orange sunlight halfway above the horozin behind him, across the ocean water, brings tears to my eyes. He couldn't have picked a better moment to ask me.

I feel tears run down my face, and I look at him. I nod, slowly at first. A smile grew across my face and I nodded happily. "Yes." He smiles, and stands up to kiss me. He holds me in an embrace. He holds me tight, and another tear escapes my eye.

He slides the ring on my finger, and I look at him. "Can I stay here for the rest of my life?" I ask with a smile.

He wipes my tear with his thumb, and he cupps my face. "Of course." He answers, flashing another smile back to me. He comes close, and plants a sweet kiss on my lips. I would love to spend the rest of my life with him. I know I'll be happy from now on.


I wake up the next morning, in my own bed. But where is Andy?

I get up, and I see the ring still on my finger. Which makes me smile, I'm Andy's. But not completly... yet.

I go down to the living room, and I see everyone here. Ash, Jake, CC, Jinxx, Ben, Cali, Kendra, Jessica, Mitchel, Kellin, and Andy. They all smile, and they all come over and give me a GIANT group hug. They all go back and look at me, and Andy comes over to me. He kisses my cheek, and hugs me.

I see Cali and Ben holding hands, and Kendra with Ash. I felt a tear form in my eyes, but I blink it away. "We have a little surprise for the new happy ENGAGED couple." Cali says. "What is it?" I ask, almost jumping. Cali always had the best surprises.

"We are all going to... OCEAN CITY!"

My mouth dropped. I've never been to Ocean City before, and I'm so exited!!!!

(a/n: i have been to oc before and its fun as shit there!!! cx js... continue!)

"Are you serious?!?!" I jump and I hug Cali. "YES! And don't hug me, Andy thought of it." I look at her, then Andy. I practically jump on him, pulling him into a tight hug. He holds me tight and I can't stop smiling. "I love you, Andy." He kisses my cheek, and says, "I love you more."

"We're leaving tomorrow." Kendra says. I hug them all, and we get back to that GIANT group hug again. We just hang out for the rest of the day, and I go to Cali's after packing all my things. And, the guys don't know this, but after the boys left, and Andy fell asleep, Kendra and Cali died my hair red. My whole head. They said I kind of looks like Bonnie McKee. Which is a good thing because she is so pretty. And her hair is amazing. But I fall asleep at Cali's and we will leave before the guys do.

(another a/n: i want my hair dies like tht so badly!!! cx)


Next morning, I wake up before Andy does. It's very early, like 7 in the morning. I get up, and I get dressed. We all put on short shorts, baseball hats, converses, and low cut tank tops. I put on a black baseball hat with New York in pink. I put on a white tank top with a skull on it. Cut out so it will show my bikini top sometimes. I had pink leopard print short shorts, with my black converses. I put on a black leather jacket with spikes on some places. And I rolled the sleeves up to my elbows. And to top it off, white sunglasses.

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