chapter 32: The Question...

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My eyes flutter open, and I see Jake waking me up. "What? What's wrong?" I question. Almost yelling. "Good morning." He says with an evil smile. "Fuck you, Jake." I say turning back around and pulling the covers up over my head. "C'mon! Wake up!" He keeps shaking me. "Why?" I groan in an irritated tone. "Get up! We're going home!"

He finishes and FINALLY and THANKFULLY leaves me alone. But we're going home? Perfect. Now I can stay with my baby all day long.

I smile and I look at my phone. I got a text from her now. "morning sleepyhead :P" Every message I get from her, makes my day. "morning baby. Sleep well?"  I text back.

I get up, but I keep my phone in my hand. I meet up with the band, and I need to as for their opinion. I sit down at the table with everyone looking at me.

"I need your guys' help." I finally say. "With what?" Jinxx asks. "I'm finally thinking of asking Emily 'the question'." Their eyes go wide, and they kinda smile. "I can't help ya, sorry." Jinxx says getting up and walking away. But CC, Ash, and Jake stayed. "We can help." They all say.

"I don't know how to ask her." I look at the guys, and they all have the same idea. I can tell. "Well," CC starts. "What I would do, is I would take her somewhere she has never been before and ask her there." I nod. But where has she never gone before?

"I remember she told me she always wanted to go to Ocean City." Ash blurts out. "When did she tell you that?" Jake asks. "I don't know. When we were hanging out or something. I don't remember!" He yells out. We all laugh but Ash hides his face in his hands.

I think about what they said though. I should take her somewhere she has never been before, and make that place a memory. But a new idea popped up in my head just now. "GUYS! I have a new idea!"


I look at my phone and I see a text from Andy. "Morning baby. Sleep well?" I text back saying I did. I get up from my bunk, and I realize I have one show left to do. But we're home! Finally back home!

I get up and we drive to the venue. Doesn't take long for me to get ready. Since I've been doing this the whole tour. I get dressed, makeup, hair, contacts, done!

And again, I hear the crowd calling for me. I go out and ask how they're doing. And they go crazy. This never get's old. I do the show. I sing Viva Forever by Spice girls and I finish with Work Bitch by Britney Spears.

I go back to my dressing room, and I see a note from Andy.

When you get home, follow the arrows.


What does he have in mind?

I get home, finally, and I find another note.

emily, drive to the beach and talk to the guy at the pizza stand. He knows who you are, and he'll tell you where to start.


Now, I'm really confused. What is going on? But, I'll do what he says.

I get back in my truck and I drive to the beach. It's getting darker by the second.

I go over to the pizza stand and the guy tells me to start at the pier.

I go over to the pier, and I see an arrow on a pole. Telling me to go left. I take the arrow and I follow the direction. I walk and on another pole, another arrow. Telling me to go the same direction. I keep walking.

I grab a few more arrows, and the sun is still up high. But slowly descending.

I see another arrow, but pointing another way. It's facing me, and telling me to go right. Down the beach and closer to the water. I take it, and I look over. 

I make my way over there, and the more I walk, the more I can make out a person. I can see who is there, and it's Andy. With a red rose in this hand.

He looks at me and smiles. I smile back, and I make my way closer to him.

"Surprise sweetheart." He says with a cute smile after kissing my cheek. "What is all this?" I ask with a smile. I can tell my cheeks are flushed red, but he thinks it's cute. So I don't care.

"I want tonight to be special. You'll see why." He says handing me the rose. I hold it in my hand like it was special. Because it was. It was bright red with a deep green stem. I fold the  arrown and I put them in my back pocket. I look closer at the rose, and I see the necklace in it. Sparkling in the light. I pick it up, and I look at it. It's the same one he gave me before.

"You kept this? This whole time?" I ask looking at him. "I never let it go. Because I knew it belongs to you." I smile, and I felt a tear form up in my eye. But I blinked it away.

"Emily," He started. I looked straight in his eyes. "I know we've had our problems, and our troubles. And I know we had moments where we couldn't even look at each other without shedding a tear. But, we have had our moments where we loved each other. Especially when I took your you-know-what." That made me giggle a bit, because I know what he's talking about.

"And there is one thing I need you to know. You are the one who I dream about every night. And the reason why I wake up every morning. You're the one who I would love to spend the rest of my life with. I would love to be a part of your world forever, and I would love nothing more, then just having you there with me. I promise you, I will never, try to hurt you ever again. You're the one who understands me the way I understand you. You are the most beautiful girl I have ever met, and you don't need to harm yourself for me. Emily, I love you with my life and I want you to be mine forever."

There is a pause, and I see him go in his pocket.


He begins. He pulls out a small black box, and he gets down on one knee. His crystal blue eyes, send major shivers throughout my whole body. He holds the box up, and opens it to reveal a ring. It's a white gem in the middle of a silver ring. And I hear him ask me that life changing question.

"Emily McCown, will you marry me?"

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